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Monroe County Offshore Classic Multi-Species Tourney

Event created by henrybud
Event details
Here's the gist of this year's Monroe County Offshore Classic for 6/25/21 and 6/26/21
Friday 6/25/21 will be the kick-off of the Monroe County Offshore Classic with the annual Multi-Species Friday!
Teams will compete to catch the largest one of each species; brown trout, salmon, lake trout and steelhead/rainbow for a 4 fish total box (you may only have a total of 4 fish in the box at weigh-in). Each fish is worth 10 points with 1 point per lb. This event is $100 per boat with 100% payout.
Saturday 6/25/21 is the main event.
Teams will compete for a 5 fish box (only one lake trout allowed) with 10 points per fish and 1 point per lb. You may only have 5 fish maximum in the box at weigh-in. This event is $220 per boat with $20 going to Dream Factory of Rochester to make a special child's dream come true! The rest will be 100% payout!
For both days: All boats MUST begin the day within Monroe County waters and fishing may begin at 5:15 a.m. or first safe light (subject to change for safety first). Weigh-in begins at 1 p.m. and you must be in line by 2 p.m.
More details to come for the weigh-in site and where to sign up! Contact Larry Hammond (Henrybud on LOU) at [email protected] or on Facebook via the Monroe County Offshore Classic page.
Please consider being a sponsor for the event as well!!!
Edited by henrybud
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