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Billy V

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Posts posted by Billy V

  1. For sale, in excellent condition is my 2005 Mathews Switchback. This is a great bow and has served me well for the past 5 years. I've bought a new bow and am just not shooting this one any more so someone will get themselves a nice setup for a fraction of what it would cost new.

    33" Axle to axle

    29" Draw Length

    60-70Lb Limbs

    7" Brace Height

    Cobra Sidewinder 3 Pin Sight with .19 Pins

    Whisker Biscuit Rest

    Vibra-Check Stabilizer


    Simms Limbsavers and String Leeches

    Peep Sight

    Wrist sling

    $500. Local pick up in Ithaca, NY. You can PM Me here or call me at 607-592-9012 or via email at [email protected]





  2. Today I had the opportunity to shoot my 2010 Elite GT 500 side-by side with the new 2011 Elite Pure. I've been a huge fan of the GT 500 for a couple of years now and have considered it to be one of the best bows ever made. It's fast, quiet, shock and vibration free and has a great draw cycle. Fit and finish is among the best I've ever seen on any bow. In short, I love the bow and have recommended it to lots of my friends. Keep in mind that I'm not a professional archer or bow reviewer of any kind, so please bear with me as I try to describe what I saw and felt with the two bows today. Take it for what it's worth - just one man's opinion.

    When I saw the 2011 Elite lineup, I had a similar reaction as many of the people who have posted here did - nice looking stuff, but nothing "Wow'ed" me. To my untrained eye, the specs looked like they took the 2010 lineup and just tweaked a few things here and there. Then I shot the bow. Before I get to the way the bow felt, let me say that fit and finish is exactly what I've come to expect from Elite - it's was flawless. Not a bump or mark anywhere on the riser, limbs, or cams. The Pure is a beautiful piece of work and felt balanced and natural in my hand. I was able to put a few arrows through my GT 500 with string leeches, rest, and my stab on it, and then I shot the Pure with nothing on it other than a rest and a D-loop - no additional string leeches or a stabilizer were installed. I believe the words that came out of my mouth after I drew and then fired the bow were something like "OH MY GOD!". What an incredible difference!! The draw is SO MUCH smoother than on the GT 500 - no more stacking up of the draw cycle before breaking over the hump. To me, the draw cycle of the Pure is just what the name implies - it's pure - it's super smooth like a hot knife going through butter and felt a lot more linear and effortless to me than my GT500 feels. I found the bow to be incredibly easy to hold at full draw and didn't notice a tendency to want to creep or jump at all. It had a very firm back wall and frankly kinda blew me away with how much of an improvement the entire draw cycle is over the GT 500.

    Once I punched the trigger I was blown away once again - this time by how completely silent and shock and vibration free the bow was. The Pure is a quantum leap in improvement in this area over my GT 500, something I didn't ever think was possible or even needed for that matter. In my opinion there is no need to add anything to the Pure to help silence or dampen it. I'm really at a loss for words as to how quiet and buzz-free the bow is. How the folks at Elite pulled this off is way beyond me, but they certainly did it. To me, they've hit a huge home run with their entire line-up this year.

    To those of you who had that same reaction to the specs of the 2011 lineup that I initially did, do yourself a favor before rushing to judgment - Go shoot the bows!! I shot the Hunter, the Pure, and the Pulse today and loved each and every one of them. There really is something for everyone in the 2011 Elite lineup. I know I'll be listing my GT500 for sale just as soon as I can get my hands on 2011 Pure. Consider me officially "Wow'ed"!

    Something that I forgot to mention above was that my GT500 was set at 66lbs and the Pure that I drew was set at 72lbs. I couldn't believe how much easier to draw the Pure was than my GT500 even though it was set 6 lbs heavier. I could easily shoot the Pure at 75 lbs, but I can't imagine shooting my GT500 much heavier than the 66lbs its set at now. The new cams are fantastic!

  3. That's no rumor - Kevin has absolutely parted ways with Strother Archery. Seems he doesn't play well with others. There's no denying that the man can design bows though and he did give Elite a nice starting design. I've seen his Strother bows and they look nice. But the company has had a hard time delivering product on time and now they've lost the guy who they named the company after even though he was with them for less than a year...better scoop up a Strother while you can.

    I haven't shot the 2011 lineup from Elite yet, but I will be very soon. Pete (the President of Elite) tells me that the new bows are improved in every way over the 2010 lineup - smoother, quieter, etc. If they are what Pete says they are then they're going to have an even bigger hit on their hands than they did with the 2010 bows.

  4. I have a 2010 Elite GT500 that is the sweetest shooting bow I've ever had - a ton faster and sooo much smoother than my Mathews Switchback ever was:


    Today Elite just announced their 2011 lineup. Choices, choices! http://www.elitearchery.com/products/2011-bows/

    They're one of the fastest growing bow companies in the country because they make incredible bows. Best part is - the company is headquartered right along Lake Ontario in Henrietta, NY. Check 'em out!!

  5. Sounds like the Tournament Committee has finally taken some action on this issue. I was forwarded this info from a friend who's close to the situation:

    Ludington Offshore Classic Update

    Written by Greg Houtteman

    Sunday, 03 October 2010 15:31

    The Ludington Offshore Classic committee and the Ludington and Scottville Area Chamber of Commerce are making some changes to their rules to provide improved quicker resolutions of future protests. In a joint statement

    http://www.ludingtonoffshore.com/event- ... eral-rules

    “Following a review of the 2010 Ludington Offshore Classic Tournament, the Ludington Offshore Classic Tournament Committee ("Committee") has proposed, and the Ludington & Scottville Area Chamber of Commerce ("Chamber") Board of Directors has adopted the following rule which will pertain to all future tournament entries:

    * The Tournament Committee reserves the right to decline entry or participation by any person, team or boat as deemed necessary to ensure such things as integrity, image, reputation, financial performance and community relationship with sponsors, participant and supporting groups.

    * A formal review of the tournament rules is underway and all rules for the 2011 tournament will be posted following their adoption. The following processes have already been adopted. Please continue to visit the website for further updates.

    * All participants must sign their application agreeing to all rules, terms, and conditions.

    * Participation also binds you to all rules, terms, and conditions.

    * Separate protest committees will be established to handle future protests; comprised of Am participants for Pro entrants and Pros for Amateur entrants.

    * All protest decisions will be made and finalized within a specific (TBD) timeframe from protest receipt.â€

    In interviews with the involved parties the rule review process and rules changes that have been made are in direct response to the events that occurred in the 2010 Pro Division relating to protests filed against Best Chance Too. The rules and processes that existed previously broke down due to a number of factors. In an effort to address those factors the tournament committee is going to establish, prior to the 2011 tournament, independent protest review panel s for both Pro and Am Divisions as stated above. This will structurally change the way protests are handled because the 2010 events protest review broke down in part because two of the captains involved in filing protests were also members of the tournament committee creating a conflict of interest within the committee itself.

    In an effort to resolve the protest the Chamber of Commerce and Best Chance Too met after the final day of the tournament and Best Chance Too offered to withdraw from the 2010 tournament, relinquish the trophy, and return winnings. “Best Chance Too offered to withdraw and we accepted†said Kathy Maclean, President/CEO Ludington and Scottville Area Chamber of Commerce.

    Best Chance Too has also “agreed not to return the Ludington Offshore Classic,†added Kathy, “and that they (Best Chance Too) would wait until they were invited back before returningâ€.

    The tournament has also explicitly declared, in their rule changes, the right to refuse any team’s entry to all future Ludington Offshore Classic tournaments. “We have similar rules for other events that we host in Ludington and have exercised them in the past†stated Kathy.

    “The volunteers are sacrificing a week and weekend in July to staff and support the tournament†noted Kathy, and the Chamber is trying to make sure that future Ludington Offshore Classics reward that effort with an event that is fun and accommodating for all participants, teams, and visitors.

  6. Best of luck selling it Jim - she's a great boat and will make someone very happy. I completely understand the need to be at home with the kids, etc. That's something that I struggle with each and every year and just seems to get harder and harder as my boys get older and more involved in sports, Scouts, etc. And you're right- you can probably find your way onto a boat or two when the fishing is best anyway! Have fun hunting this year!


  7. The LOC Derby is like playing the lottery IMO. Buy a ticket, put your time in, and PRAY. I'd leave the payouts exactly as they are and let the biggest fish take home the big prize. If you want to win some money for a top ten finish, then fish a Pro-Am or a Scotty tournament. There's a lot more than luck involved in taking home the top prize there.

  8. There's one sure way to not catch any fish: Stay home. You never know unless you go! I'd do like Popeye says - keep an eye on the weather and make a decision as late in the week as you can. But there have been LOTS of days when NOAA was calling for it to be unfishable due to the wind and we were able to get out and put a hurtin' on the fish.

    As for what the winds will do to the water temps, it all depends on how long, from what direction, and how hard it blows. From what I've seen about the coming week there's nothing that makes me me think that there's any real concern about the weekend. West winds should help things stabilize a little during the week and that North breeze they're calling for on Friday and Saturday looks pretty mild.

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