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Billy V

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Posts posted by Billy V

  1. Come on now fellas...the company spends countless thousands of dollars to improve the product and all you can do is complain? ;) I say kudos to Cannon for innovating - they've been listening to those of us who use the riggers in the field and have addressed all of the concerns with the old design. It's refreshing to see a company committed to improvement! Remember that this Cannon isn't the same Cannon that designed the older style riggers that most guys are still running. The old Cannon was sold to Johnson Outdoors a few years ago and the first thing the new Cannon did was make major improvements to the riggers that they were offering. Now they're putting their own stamp on the sport with the first truly new downrigger design to come to market in years. The new Cannon is doing their best to move the sport forward and is constantly striving to make better, more reliable products. I've been heavily involved with the design and testing of both these new riggers as well as the new IntelliTroll (which is absolutely fantastic BTW) and I can tell you that the people who I've worked with in the design and testing process are some of the most passionate, driven, quality-minded people I've worked with in any field.

  2. Yes, the 345 GT2 holds it - just barely. I have 3 of them on my boat and one of them is a 600 copper with 300 yards of 50# Power Pro. Put it on the reel TIGHTLY! I actually like the GT2 better than my old 345 GTi's. Drags seem to me to be just as good and the clickers have held up a lot longer than on the old American made GTi's.

  3. We haven't been out much lately - I needed to spend some time at home with the family after fishing 20 days in May and then the West end Pro-Ams in June - so we figured we'd take a shot at that deep water program rather than sort through all the small fish. It's typically been a good bet out deep like that at this time of year. There were a few fish out there - that's where we got the 20lb King and the 10 lb steelie, but it wasn't what we had hoped.

  4. Nick,

    I had the radio turned way down and probably missed your call. We'd heard about the biggest number of fish being taken in that 150FOW range but also heard that most of them were small. We were hoping to find some bigger fish out deeper - nope!

    I ran flea-flicker probably 10 years ago or so and absolutely hated how badly it twisted and then retained that twist. But it might become necessary if the fleas don't let up!

  5. Today Tim, Jay, Gump and I fished for a few hours out of Sodus Point. We worked some way deep water looking for colder water and bigger fish than there has been inside the past few days. We found 42 degrees down 90' out over 350-600 FOW but only a few marks and those were down 300' or more. I ran a rigger out 350' for a good chunk of the morning but it never took a shot. We did OK out there but never lit them up - it was just a steady pick for us today. It sounded like the better bite was in 100-180 FOW this morning. Our 400' copper pulling a DW SS Midnight Special took several fish today, as did a NK Mixed Veggies fished off of our 90' rigger as a free slider. We also had the NK Die Hard, and DW SS Glow Frog take shots today. The Mixed Veggies took our biggest steelhead of the trip at just over 10 lbs:


    A Green Double Crush Glow Spinny/Sigg's Green Hypnotist fished off of our 400' Diver took our biggest fish of the day, a 20 lb King that fought like he was a 35 lb'er.


    It was mostly a spoon bite for us today. The fleas were terrible - maybe the worst I've ever seen - especially when we were fishing the inside, warmer water. Even though it wasn't fast & furious we still had a great time and are all looking forward to the Oswego Pro-Am this coming weekend.

  6. If it was just me out there I would have been disappointed with the fishing. But then again I would have been out there at 5am and stayed all day rather than starting at 11:30am and staying out for 2 hours or so. Days like that make me realize that its not the size or number of fish that matters to the kids. It's having an adventure with Mom & Dad that's so important to them. Kind of puts it back in perspective a little bit for me.

  7. Today we took the kids out for a mid-day troll in front of Sodus Point. We got a late start and finally left the dock at Krenzer's at 11:30am and ran out to 150 FOW and set up. Right away we began hooking up with small Kings - lots of them - and they were perfect sizes for the boys to enjoy. It was a spoon bite for us and pretty much any spoon that we put in the water took fish for us today. The DW Superslim Da Shiznit, Green Alewife, Glow Frog, and Midnight Special all took fish as did the Northern King Sea Sick Waddler, Gold NBK, and Die Hard. It was a rigger bite for us today - 90-125' down. Best speeds for us were 2.8-3.1 mph on our Cannon IntelliTroll. Here's a few pics of the boys having fun with today's fish:





    We never did get a major bite today, although we only gave it about 2 hours right in the middle of the afternoon - not exactly prime fishing hours. But the boys had a lot of fun and the fish & sun wore them out!


    We'll be back out to give it a more serious shot next weekend and I'll be sure to post a report then too.

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