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Billy V

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Posts posted by Billy V

  1. I run the standard size 1 dipsys with the standard size rings and run two per side without problems. I know Yankee Troller runs the oversize rings on his deep divers to help him achieve deeper depths with less line out. I've ordered some and will be giving them a try here as soon as they arrive from Dreamweaver. You'll definitely want to run a heavier rod for dipsy applications than you'd need to on a rigger, and the bigger the dipsy you run, the more pull it will exert.

    To keep the dipsys from getting in each other's way, I set my deep diver on a .5, and my high diver on a 2.5. We've had a lot of luck with that set-up this year. Just be sure to pay attention to how much line you have out and watch your turns. You don't want them both to have the same amount of line out or you'll be untangling a mess of wire.

  2. Sounds to me like either the drags on your reels are too tight or the release on the rigger or the dipsy is too tight. If they're too tight, and a King hits it hard, the hook will take the brunt of the hit and straighten out before the release or drag has a chance to do its job. That has happened to us in the past, and we've pretty much eliminated it by paying very close attention to the drag and release settings.

    We had a hook straighten out on us in the Sodus Pro-Am on day 2 on a wire dipsy and we lost the fish due to it. That one fish would've moved us into a top-ten finish. ;(;(

    When I checked the drag, I found that one of my newer crew members had tightened it down to keep it from creeping. It was pretty tight. We're lucky the fish didn't break the wire.

    Try loosening the releases on your riggers & dipsys so that they just hold (without popping on every turn or on every wave), and keep those Dipsy drags loose enough so that they creep on the outside of a turn. You'll have to experiment with the release settings, but too loose is definitely better than too tight. That might help with keeping the fish from bending hooks.

  3. I typically take the week of the 4th off for vacation with my family. Some years I head out of town, and other years we're in town. So some years I won't be able to make it, others it would work out well for me since I'll already be off work...kinda hard to tell until we make vacation plans.

  4. Today dad & I were joined by my sister and her husband for a day of family fun out of Fair Haven. After the blow on Friday, we found the temp break to be a bit deeper than it's been, down at 125 ft. It was a flasher/fly day for us, as the Dalmatian Spin Dr./ Siggs Rigs Blue Dolphin did most of the damage on both the rigger and the wires. We also took hits on a white spinny/white crinkle Siggs fly, and a green spinny/green hypnotist Siggs fly. We had a wicked current to deal with today, and we found it most productive to run just two riggers. Best down speeds for us were 2.4-2.7mph. We had a great day, and it sure was fun to see my brother-in-law hook up with his first-ever King...I think he's hooked!


    Here's the few that we kept.


    My brother in-law with the biggest fish of the day for us.

    There was a ton of bait and lots of marks out over 140-180 FOW, and we took most of our hits down 120-135 on the riggers and with divers out 330-350 on a #2.

    Good luck to those of you who get out this week...it should be a great week!!

  5. Fair Haven has been consistently one of the hottest ports on the lake this year....browns, cohos, steelies, and now the Kings. We've had a fantastic year this year. And as far as a nice place to live, FH certainly is a beautiful, peaceful place.

    In all fairness, I have agree with CBish....the best port is wherever you are. There really haven't been any bad ports to fish out of this year, have there???

  6. I feel like I get a better "kick" out of my flys when I run it on the quicker action hole. It's been several years since I experimented with two spinnys side-by-side, but I definitely liked the action of the quicker action hole better. Next time you're out, put a out two spinnys side by side, one in each hole and see which one you like....you may very well like the slower action hole...to each his own I guess, right? :lol::lol:

  7. I always switch the Spin Dr. over to the "Quick action" hole. That's the first thing I do when it comes out of the package...that and I add a cross lock snap on the rear so I can easily take the fly off for storage. For flys, 18-30" is the range where most guys run them. I'd say that 22-24" is the most common length. I don't run spoons behind my flashers, but I'd guess that somewhere in that 18-30" range would work just fine.

  8. I have the new Mag10 HS, and IMO they're a fantastic downrigger. They're smokin' fast (250fpm with a 20# Shark)and the shortstop feature just can't be beat. The Mag5 HS is basically a Mag 10HS with a fixed boom and no swivel base. I'd highly recommend them to you.

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