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Billy V

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Posts posted by Billy V

  1. I honestly don't know if it was an in-store price or not. A big flyer came to the house the other day and I glanced at it and then put it in the recycling bin. My guess is that it's an in-store price as they were promoting their fishing classic.

    I have two of the new ADP47LC's and two of the ADP27LC's. I plan to run wire on the 47's to see how well they hold up to that abuse. The 27's will just get spooled with light line for brown fishing. I really like what I've seen of them so far.

  2. I surf the GLA site and have seen those reviews too, thanks!

    I've been going through Northeast Marine Electronics for several years now, but given the cost of this unit, I'm willing to shop around for the best price.

  3. I haven't been down to look for sure, but my guess is that the ice let loose. I just drove down 13 past the South end, and there's a ton of ice in the lake, and the mud plume is huge. I did drive by Fall Creek behind the High School, and it's very high and dirty. With the rain and warm temps we've had today, I'd say we're gonna be looking at flood conditions soon.

  4. Thanks guys. I've talked to a couple of guys who own the 585 and they have the 600w 'ducer and say it has plenty of power. I have 500w RMS on my current sonar, and it's nice, but I'd like a bit more zip. The 1kw 'ducer is something like $400 more than the 600w model, so it's kinda hard to justify, especially when I hear good t hings about the 600w. They're both running the thru-hull 'ducer, which is my plan too.

    I'll let you know what I decide...it'll be a mid-summer project at the earliest.

    Thanks again,


  5. I've been considering upgrading the sonar unit on my boat, and have been looking at the Furuno 585, among others. Do any of you have one, and if so, how do you like it? Have there been any issues with it? Would you recommend upgrading to the 1kw transducer, or is the 600 w transducer enough?

    Any feedback you can offer would be appreciated.

    Thanks in advance!

  6. I second Hank's suggestion. You'll shorten your learning curve dramatically by taking a charter. I've been watching all of the posts you've been making over on the GLA board too, and what works on Lake Michigan, etc. doesn't necessarily work on Lake Ontario for a multitude of reasons. There are quite a few very good charter boats over in Sodus, and you'd do yourself a huge favor by hiring one of them and watching what they do and how they do it.

  7. I use Firefox at work, and Exploder at home. Firefox is soooo much nicer, except some of the sites I visit at nite from home (all fishing sites :roll: :roll:) don't work well on Firefox. Plus my accounting software doesn't work at all with Firefox.

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