When I asked about the rules before weigh in on second day to avoid a sceen before everyone showed up. I was told if I din"t like them fish PRO. I asked if I fished PRO with 3 fisherman and a observer and still run 8 rods and was told to come back when I had more sleep. It seems like they just want to cater to the pro's and screw the am's! I also asked what am's wear involved in making the rules and was told it was a fishing club. I don't think it was right the way I was treated. I know my team is thinking of droping out next year! It cost us us money for lodging , gas,meals,plus other things, like this year $180 for prop that hit something on the way out sunday. This is money that goes to the area where the event is held. We did this for a pay off of $250 for 4th Place. At least they could do is answer our ? and involve us in our own rules.Thank you for leaveing me vent see you all this weekend. DEL