I'm all for MORE Salmon, but I am against them coming from Altmar hatchery. I think this is a great way to get our message across, but lets send the right message. From Rochester West I think our best bet would be to have 1/2 of each ports Salmon stock come from Canada's hatchery system. The DEC wants to bring in Andy Todd at these meetings to show what a great relationship the US and Canada have then prove it to us! Increase the stocking, but lets put more burden on Canada! They rape our Kings and Steel all Summer long, but they put in such a minimal amount. The other great thing about the Canadian product, and this comes from watching tourney results, it's like the Salmon of the 80s and 90s. They stage off any creek, stream, or canal. These don't know about Salmon River water so they would never head to the East end of Lake Ontario and sit in pizz warm water. I'd go so far as to let Altmar stock more fish from Rochester East to see if they can improve that fishery earlier in the season.
Vince is right....NO other fish makes people travel like the King Salmon.