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Yankee Troller

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Everything posted by Yankee Troller

  1. 15-25 sustained with 30mph gusts out of the West should take care of that today!
  2. God I hate when Salmon show up in Rochester or East of there before July. I'm a selfish fisherman and I want them all to us West end guys all Spring!
  3. EXACTLY! Oh, and our baitfish level isn't great, but we're gonna dump an extra 300,000 Lake Trout into Lake Ontario that: 1) live 10+yrs and eat Alewife like popcorn 2) No one really wants to target 3) They are only doing because the fed are giving them the money 4) No one really wants to target
  4. The prettiest Brown Trout I've witnessed being caught! 38 days until we're floating, and chasing after Brown Trout! http://t.co/Gz6arf3wWR

  5. There is - http://crazyyankeesportfishing.com/videos.html
  6. Easy Mr. Doug! LOL There are much more experienced guys out there!
  7. We have 6 wire diver rods on board. 2 are roller rods, and 4 have Twilli Tips. The diver docks are nice but you have to store them when not in use, and winding the line around them with that narrow arbor can be slow. Otherwise, they are a great idea.
  8. I'm staying away from sliders on a diver!
  9. This exactly! Imagine a king smacking the spoon so hard it cracks your wire. You're now out the cheater and lure, but also a diver and whatever was behind that. These fish are either on a diver bite or not. If not pull them and put out more junk lines. If they are then put a few more divers out.
  10. Can we get a translation on this? I tried Google and they couldn't even translate it, and they can translate every language I've ever heard of plus a lot more!
  11. A question that always comes up is how to store divers. Ours stay on the rod the whole season. I believe video is much easier than typing, and cabin fever is setting in, so here you go. As I said with my previous video about tying fly harnesses it may not be the best way, or the way for you, but it's how we do it on the Yankee Troller:
  12. Reef Runners and Husky Jerks are OK if you find them in that skinny water 15-40', but many times spoons will out fish them. Fishing sticks for Salmon is much more common on the Canadian side in April. Tuning sticks is tough. You need to do the opposite of what you'd think to the piece you tie, or snap, to. Take needle nose pliers and tweak it a little, and most times that all it needs to run straight.
  13. Not sure bud. We haven't been as cold as last winter yet. Lake O has too much depth and not enough surface area to expand the heat in the core enabling it to freeze over.
  14. http://coastwatch.glerl.noaa.gov/modis/modis.php?region=o&page=1&template=subℑ=a1.15043.1750.LakeOntario.143.250m.jpg
  15. It is not, and it never did last Winter either.
  16. My picture of the Steelhead above was from him. That's all I'm gonna say about that.
  17. With your credit score your best bet would be an Italian. I would highly advise you're not late on payment though.
  18. http://www.bayratlures.com/
  19. I think finding the right water is more important than what you're pulling behind your boat. Sometimes people over think lure selection, but don't bother to worry about the water they're in. Just being in 8-10' of water doesn't mean you're gonna find the BT. That being said.....to the OP.....I remember a day 2 Springs ago we were fishing some really dark muddy Genny river water that the wind laid against the Webster shoreline. I have to produce fish for these clients, and our set was dead! When the fishing gets tough I'm the guy who starts putting more rods out. I took a Brads Thinfish and ran it down the chute. It wasn't in the water 5 minutes and WHAM! Put it back out and it fires again. We loaded a side up with Brads Thinfish that day and put a hurting on them. The Brads have some really bright colors, but so were the sticks we were running. I have no doubt the rattles let those fish key in on those baits in that muddy water. So yes, there is a time and place for rattles in your Spring set-up.
  20. Nice fish! I usually hate fish mounts by most taxidermist to be honest. They can never capture the way the fish truly looks. Fish are a tricky thing to paint. The guys who fish for them day in and day out know how to paint them. Here is an example: The top one is a 17lb Steelie I caught in June done by a "local" guy. The bottom is a 17lb Steelie done by Paul Czarnicki. I have to look at the top one every day at home and kick myself for letting someone ruin my trophy. Do it right, and pay the $. Don't be cheap. Paul fishes for these things daily. He knows what one looks like. He is the best taxidermist on the lake HANDS DOWN! I have seen a guy in Olcott's Walleye mount skills, and he did a great job with it. His name is Gary Ramming if you're looking for someone closer than Paul. That being said.....nice fish! My mark for a Walleye was 10lbs too, but last year I did a 30" 11.5lb beast on the first morning of my Quinte trip, and a 29.5" 12lb tank on my afternoon sit. They came way to easy, so both were eaten, and now my mark is 13+.
  21. I don't think it's 1/4ID, but I know it's not 1/8ID. Not quite sure. I just order it from A-TOM-MIK.
  22. I hear ya bud. I had the fishin' bug so bad I did both! Many nights coming home at 2-3am, hooking up to my bass boat, and heading for wherever the tourney was!
  23. When I can afford to put pearls on my fly harnesses I wont be fishing Lake Ontario!
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