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Yankee Troller

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Everything posted by Yankee Troller

  1. This thread is great way to start internet rumors. We survived the drought/low stocking from 2007 in which a lot of immature Salmon were taken. Yet we saw some amazing fishing in the years following. Our forage base is solid.
  2. Never had the TX22 or Walleye Boards do this. Tighten that screw on the pinch pad down, and make sure that your line is buried in the back of it. I run the religiously for staging Salmon. If anything is going to pop them free those guys will, and they never have. You can also turn the clip around, but again no need to if you tighten up that tension screw.
  3. He says CLEARLY using a CHARTER BOAT!
  4. Big time or not.......you want to be a big boy, and take money from people to take them fishing, play with the big boys. Leave the open division for the grass roots. I know one guy who jackpotted them for a few years and thought he was so cool winning them.
  5. Picton Harbor Inn
  6. We fished from Rochester West. South and North shore. Bait was ridiculous at times. The Salmon fishing was weak most of the season. I had a chance to chat with a very good Salmon angler on the North shore last weekend. He averages 15-20 30lb+ Salmon a Summer. He had 2 this Summer. Returns to the Salmon River were weak as well. My guess is we lost a class out there, or we are gonna have a nice 4yr old school swimming out there come 2015 (highly doubtful) The good news is we saw a lot of 1 and 2 yr olds in the system most of the year. So the future looks promising.
  7. I like mine Andy, but only for kings when running paddles/flies or meat. Those roller rods are too stiff for Browns and Steelies.
  8. I've always been a Daiwa guy. Our Heartlands are very durable! We run the 8' models on our riggers. They won't hurt the bank either. There is a great parabolic bend to the blank as well.
  9. You sure that wasn't a rock? If you're getting bit with any type of numbers using that heavy of a line I'd imagine you're fishing heavily stained water.
  10. The Humminbird ONIX units have had software bugs, but a few large updates that have come out and fixed a lot of those bugs. The bugs deal with a lot of stuff us trollers don't use anyway. Traditional sonar, GPS, and Radar all seem to be fine. We'll have 3 ONIX on board in 2015. I have my two 1198's up for sale if anyone's interested. They have 2 seasons on them, and the only thing used was the head unit. Everything else is brand new in the box.
  11. Get yo bird on! Whether it's on the water or the ice #humminbird will help you catch… http://t.co/xWiCP8Taed

  12. Our 2nd Oak Orchard Open (OOO) will be held June 13/14. Don't forget that June 12 will be our 1st of 4 events for King of the Oak. If you fished this last year you saw how fun the format was. If you didn't we're sure you heard how fun the format was. If you know anyone in the Orleans area, or any manufacturer that would like to help by sponsoring the event please shoot us a message. Stay tuned for more details!
  13. From what I'm hearing....yes. Dates I've heard are May 30/31 and June 6/7
  14. You guys are welcome to come to the Genesee Charter Boat Association meetings we hold the first Tuesday of every month at the Irondequoit Fish and Game club.We generally discuss both license and fishery subjects. The more the merrier.
  15. I'm getting the ONIX units by Humminbird. The major difference between the 1198s and the 1199s is a faster processor. Our 1198s ran flawlessly for us the past few years. I just like to have the latest and greatest.
  16. I am selling 2 units. Transducers were never used. I have the original boxes, and everything that came with them. Less than 2 seasons on them. $1,700/unit shipped Please PM me if you are interested.
  17. That was 3-4yrs ago when the new design came out. Was fixed immediately. The new pulleys are solid!
  18. Just selling the ones we have, and buying new ones. We like to cycle through our gear every year or two if we can.
  19. We are selling our Cannon Digi-troll 10 downriggers we used this season. These were brand new in April. The only thing used on these riggers was the body. The booms, electrical, bases, swivel bases, rod holders, and spools with cable have never seen any use. I bought Cannons Stainless Steel bases, swivel bases, booms, and spools to go on these. $3,000 for all three in the boxes they came in. http://store.cannondownriggers.com/products/390763/Digi-Troll_10
  20. They are fast, and they can be jerky. However, I ran 1 for over a month with a 15lb A-TOM-MIK Torpedo, and never had any issues cracking off a weight, and I bottom bounced the heck out of it fishing Lake Trout all September.
  21. Or maybe it's their way of offering the average fisherman the same body everyone else buying at a low price given you have all the other accessories. To the OP everything will fit nicely. Enjoy the new riggers, and wait until you see how fast they are!
  22. http://www.mlive.com/outdoors/index.ssf/2011/04/the_salmon_experiment_the_inve.html Sent from my XT1080 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
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