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Yankee Troller

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Everything posted by Yankee Troller

  1. Seems the Salmon may be showing themselves finally! Great weekend with mostly a Salmon bite. http://t.co/cxd2SVR8tU

  2. They were hitting a slider on a 30 rigger. No need for long leads with Steel. They are aggressive. We don't typically go longer than 40' on our riggers.
  3. Fished from 4-8pm last night. It was ROUGH! There was a break out on the 28 that went from 60 on top to 56. Steel were all over it, and some big ones too! Same lures used last weekend produced, and pictures of them can be found in that report. Riggers in the top 40 with sliders. Divers out 60-80' on 3's, and a 5 color core.
  4. Why are you always so negative and hurtful to other board members Scott?
  5. West of Oak Orchard. After a few days of wind they could mean nothing now. Sent from my XT1080 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  6. No, we are at Oak Orchard Sent from my XT1080 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  7. Dave - I respect you, and I know you have a great knowledge of the fishery. We can agree to disagree on some things. I am a float fisherman, and if I foul hook 1 fish in 4 months that's a lot. I fish very pressured fisheries on the West end and I see it all day long. I didn't say anything about people keeping anything in my post. Just like I keep limits of them on the Lake I have no problem with someone taking their limit in the stream. I'm just talking about the methods used. I can't describe the amount of piercings these fish get from the fly whippers, or ones who think they are fly whippers, in the trips. Dragging a fish in backwards and sideways irks me, and I believe most of the ones caught in the mouth were flossed. I know some very good flossers out there! If it was up to me I would ban fly rods on our tribs, but that's a whole other topic! I also feel Dave that we have to get the stream guys and the lake guys on the same page! I mean the stupid Kayakers were able to get together and have the power company release water for them on specific weekends over the summer that end up drawing fish into a warm river! You stream guys want us to lay off the Steelbows, and us lake guys want more Kings. If we have Kings to target its a fact we lay off the Trout. Help us push for more Salmon stocking and less wasted money and race way space dedicated to Atlantic programs and Lake Trout! I see that as a win win for both sides! Now, onto some good news. I spoke with a buddy last night that talked with a Canadian angler out of Oshawa, ON, and apparently they have some stellar Salmon fishing going on over there. I heard this 3rd person, but maybe it's a sign of hope! The next few days looks pretty crappy, so maybe the winds will blow in a miracle!
  8. You ain't kidding! I saw a couple of hotties taking scale samples at tourneys this summer! Sent from my XT1080 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  9. Overpopulated is an understatement! Go offshore on the north shore every summer and they are about as annoying as mosquitoes when your trying to target Salmon. Thousands are stocked every year. That's the great thing about stocking and not having to rely on natural reproduction! Sent from my XT1080 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  10. Those farmer boys from Maryland will be enjoying those tasty Steelhead for months to come and won't waste an inch of that meat. It's a put and take fishery. I'd rather see them hit my lures and leave the lake legally then get dragged in backwards with 5 other piercings in them to go on a stringer with most likely an illegal number of trout. If you want to jump on someone, or some group, tackle the out of staters who rape and pillage the streams illegally for 6 months! Lastly, tove12345 thanks for reading my reports and looking at my great pics every week!
  11. No problem! They are very different from what we are used to running, so I figured most probably didn't know the spoons. This clearer colder water has us fishing high and fast and the blues seem to be the ticket. I did not start the blue bandwagon. Few Oak captains did, and it was on fire last weekend. No clue, but you can bet offshore with be the most stable water. Sent from my XT1080 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  12. Popeye and White Cap are two that come to mind in FH. Cold Steel, Hat Trick, Tall Tails, Primetime, The Guns, TK all come to mind in Oswego.
  13. I've been on the "We've lost a year class" bus for about a month now. After fishing the Oak, the North shore, the bar, and my brother fishing the East end they are no where to be found! We've burned A LOT of gas this Summer looking for them and have fished 30' out to the middle of the lake on both sides.
  14. Ran 7 trips in 4 days and didn't change the gear out for those days. The bite was that good! Mostly JUMBO Chrome with a few Kings mixed in, and 1 mature a day. We fished 27-30N and 16-19W the entire time, and our riggers were 30-60' down, wires out 70-120, 10 color cores, 200 coppers, and 300 coppers. The Dremaweaver Magnum Get'R Dun was hot on the 10 color, and the regular size was flying on an 80 diver. Familiar Bite meat was good on our 300 copper, but that was the only paddle in the water. The blue spoons were all on our Cannon riggers. Hot spoons are at the bottom!
  15. Rochester guys are fishing 30-40' of water for Browns. No mature kings in there. Sent from my XT1080 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  16. Wouldn't free up a dime! That's Fed $ to restore a fish that was natural to the Lake.
  17. The trib guys are all over "other" forums. I don't think many come here. This is a Lake fishing site for the most part. I know at the Oak we have people that come from PA to help with the pens. I personally help more at the Genny, than the Oak, since I live 5 minutes from there. However, at both ports ALL I see are Lake guys. Here's my take - The Lake guys and the Stream guys have different opinions. The Stream guys help improve stream habitat in hopes of a natural fishery some day. The Lake guys are the ones helping with the fish in the pens to keep the stocking program going. DEC study finds almost 2:1 that Pen fish do better than direct stocked. I wish we had no natural reproduction, and we increased Salmon stocking. That's the only way to control predictor/prey ratios. Natural fish are the unknown and can't be counted on!
  18. I'm gonna try and get them all before they get to the snaggers! I'd rather they choose to end their life. Hahahahahaha Sent from my XT1080 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  19. The steelhead limit on the American side in the Lake is 3/person and they must be over 21". Steel fishing in the rivers is only better because they lowered the limit in the Rivers where the nonsense occurs! Also, the great King fishing the last few years in the Lake took pressure off the Steelbows. Not the case this year! They've been our bread and butter out West!
  20. We're seeing a lot of above average Steel at the Oak. They are saving our charters! Big chrome high in the water column are aggressive!
  21. I was weary of Vince's prediction at the beginning of the season, but now with most of it behind us I am totally on his side! Prime Time August and we managed 1 Mature fish each day this weekend running the last 4 days 2 trips a day. 40 hours of fishing for 3 fish over 20lbs! We marked a ton of bait with no fish on it. Instead of increasing Chinook numbers the state/Feds decided to add an extra 300,000 LT to the system. A fish that lives up to and over 20yrs old. You cant control something that lives for that long. Salmon die in less than 4yrs. Much easier/faster to recover/adjust to changes in the ecosystem. Oh, and I'll say it again, people don't come here to catch LT! More Kings!! More Kings!!! Like Vince we have fished all over this Lake this Season. The lack of Kings is frightening!
  22. When temps that high you typically wont mark much as it scatters when the boat goes over it. We fished 450-550 West of the Oak the last 4 days and it was unbelievable fishing for huge Steelbows, and some nice Kings. Troll fast and cover water. Blues were real good this weekend.
  23. Dreamweaver UV Blue Dolphin was hot at the Oak this weekend. This spoon got hammered! http://t.co/rYigpc3YNf

  24. Two amazing trips today! DW UV blue dolphin, Get R Dun, VQ Dolphin, Blue Bubble, and Familiar Bite meat! http://t.co/TLSZTrBVG9

  25. 28/29N 17/18W - Dreamweaver Get R Dun was the stud. Familiar bite meat took the big guy. Top 60' is where it's at. http://t.co/CcNAQoWCJh

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