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Yankee Troller

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Everything posted by Yankee Troller

  1. Two amazing trips today! DW UV blue dolphin, Get R Dun, VQ Dolphin, Blue Bubble, and Familiar Bite meat! http://t.co/TLSZTrBVG9

  2. 28/29N 17/18W - Dreamweaver Get R Dun was the stud. Familiar bite meat took the big guy. Top 60' is where it's at. http://t.co/CcNAQoWCJh

  3. Sounds like an active night!
  4. This is another thing that makes you wonder. Look at how BLUE this lake is. Last Summer it was green like Lake Erie. Lots of cold water out there still, and this lake wont recover the core temps this Summer IMHO from the harsh Winter. That being said I think Michigan is a colder Lake than ours, and they seem to see good King fishing in that colder water.
  5. I don't know where you guys are fishing with all this wind, but it has been a pretty calm year on the big pond. Yes, there have been many days with light East winds, but nothing like last season!. There was only a 2 week window on the North shore where it was good. When we were over there last weekend for the last Tightline event the winning team took 8 bites all day! I'm no expert, but I don't see them coming this year in numbers. The next few seasons look to be real promising though! There is plenty of food out there and some good numbers of 1 and 2 year olds.
  6. I'm sickened by the fishing this season. If we didn't have "those other fish" to target we'd be hurting! I first thought everything was just behind, but I'm now to the point that I think we lost a year class due to the low water a few years back at the Salmon River, or the harsh winter we just experienced. We (CYS) fish the PRIME areas of the Lake when they are PRIME. We had 1 good week of fishing up on the Niagara Bar, and since then it's been spotty at best. However, the fish we are catching give us a great outlook for the next few seasons! Lots of 1 and 2 year olds, and lets not forget to mention the extra 155,000 Chinooks the DEC put in this Spring. Let's also look at the big picture. Honestly, I strongly dislike fishing for anything else but Salmon. The last few years we've been SPOILED beyond belief with the Salmon fishing we've had. However, this has given the "other species" a break, and we are seeing some REALLY nice Steelhead out there this year as well as some giant Lake Trout.
  7. I'm glad to see you guys are catching some fish out there!
  8. It's great to see how hooked you are on fishing Lake O! Getting your ol' lady out there makes it even better! Keep up the great reports, and the good fishing.
  9. Tom @ East Fork marine in Sandy Creek did ours last year. He came highly recommended.
  10. We can't tell tackle shops to stay open, but we are targeting the same shops that help out with the LOC derby, so most of them are open until 8. We don't have an issue with you weighing it in both events. Typically, the LOC allows tourney fish to be weighed, so I'm guessing they wont mind either.
  11. LEDs are the way to go! We did the same thing splicing into a light switch.
  12. We start at 20'. Very rarely do we shorten that up, but many times we will go longer. There is no set distance. Find out what works best on your rig.
  13. Look at the second to last sentence - "This tournament is for everyone and is lake wide." The Group that runs the Wilson Harbor Invitational, and the ones that started the 1 K A Day derby this Spring, thought it went well. Some others have copied the format during their tourney weeks, so we thought we would put it on a larger scale during the Fall LOC when everyone is out there chasing that derby winning King.
  14. We thought that this years were much more durable than last years.
  15. Proud to announce (and sorry for the short notice) our first annual Summer 1 K a Day! Running Saturday August 16th through Sunday August 31st we will award the largest King Salmon (over 20 pounds) $1000. Full Payouts will be based on a full field of 100 boats. Please register online at http://www.wilsonharborinvitational.com/1k-a-day-registration/ or by calling 716-863-1001. Cost is $150 plus a $15 processing fee for 16 chances to win! This tournament is for everyone and is lake wide. Weigh stations are being added daily so be sure to check back often for updates. Weigh stations thus far, and remember they will grow as more come on board: Wilson - Wilson Gas Shack Olcott - Slippery Sinker Oak Orchard - Narbys Rochester - Mitchel's Bait Fairhaven - Screwey Louies
  16. That's pretty serious right there. I've never heard of that. Thanks for sharing that.
  17. Left the dock around 5:45 and headed NW to the same area we fished the last few weeks. It started slow for us. Great screen, but the bites weren't coming. We started around 25N/14W, but found the sweet spot around 27N/18W. Dreamweavers Raspberry Dolphin was good on our 70' Cannon out and down. Regular size back 25' and a SS slider above it both took Salmon. Our 500 was our only A-TOM-MIK copper we could get to go, and that was pulling some Familiar bite strips. Our divers out 150-175 took a few shots with a Gator colored Dreamweaver Spin Doctor pulling an A-TOM-MIK Green Crinkle fly.
  18. Good weekend of fishing. Most of our Kings took DW spoons this weekend. Sea Sick Waddler, and a Raspberry Dolphin http://t.co/vdXf8HLlpB

  19. We picked up an friend from the launch dock around 5:30am and headed out. We ran down to Watoma shoal in about 120' of water and sent out our spread. On the set-up the middle rigger fires with what would be our only mature Salmon of the day on a Dreamweaver Sea Sick Waddler mag spoon down 60' in 65 degree water. The rest of the day we would haul in 3-5lb Salmon, and as many Lake Trout as you wanted (we never officially fished for them). Out hot rigs were a 300 A-TOM-MIK copper pulling a moonshine Carbon 14, and our deep Cannon out and down anywhere from 140-180'. The Lake Trout we were catching were studs in that deeper water, but we knew if we took one nice King it would be game over! That bite never came even though we saw the fish on the graph most of the day. Congrats to the Jakey baby guys, and a huge thank you goes out to the committee that put on this great event. It seems to grow every year, and that's rare on the tourney scene.
  20. Video it and put in on Facebook!
  21. Sandy creek shootout! 1'roll from the West/SW. Let's get it on!

  22. We put about that much on. You guys are getting way too technical! We run the swivel through the levelwind and give the reel a couple cranks.
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