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Yankee Troller

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Everything posted by Yankee Troller

  1. No problem! My brother just went there last week and ordered two pairs. I love my Costa's I got there last Srping.
  2. If you trailer a Airmar B60. It's a flush mount thru hull. If your boats in the water get a thru hull with a faring block.
  3. Wilson Harbor Invitational - We will be at LOTSA next Wednesday March 19th for 1 K a Day and the Salmon Slam EARLY BIRD signups. This will be the last day! Your Early bird entry will automatically enter you to win prizes each of the 7 days free of charge. Further if you are signing up at LOTSA we have over $20 in free tackle for you to take home. The best news might be the Raymarine Dragonfly unit we are giving away as a door prize. Stop out and see us! Sat May 3rd- Scotty Downrigger Day Sunday May 4th-Okuma Day Monday May 5th- Dreamweaver Lure Day Tuesday May 6th- Raymarine Day Wednesday May 7th- Yeti Cooler Day Thursday May 8th- Lumitec Lighting Day Friday May 9th- Masterbuilt Day For everyone fishing these events Additionally Fishhawk will be providing cash/product for the second largest fish caught both the first and last days of the event. Tristate Taxidermy will be providing a fiberglass reproduction to the angler with the biggest salmon for the week!
  4. Any body bait can have it's day with browns! If you think your going to get in tight with some of them you'll be losing some gear.
  5. Didn't you get the answer on GLA? It will be fine!
  6. http://www.ijc.org/rel/boards/niagara/ice_glace-info_e.pdf
  7. Photo: Given the harsh Winter we’ve hesitated booking the first weekend of the Spring LOC Derby. However,... http://t.co/TWdpnhW8Ml

  8. Call me Jakey Sent from my XT1080 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  9. The first weekend of the @LOCDerby is available if anyone is looking for a charter on Western Lake Ontario.

  10. What time Bob?
  11. Photo: April 19th and 20th are our only dates left for Spring Brown Trout! Come chase Lake Ontario’s... http://t.co/MK0V7Kf4aU

  12. Short boom and no swivel base.
  13. I forgot about that spoon. High sun that is a great Steelie spoon.
  14. Here's what works best for us. On a cloudy day DW Shiznit, Green Eye Ghost, and Sea Sick Waddler are really hard to beat! On Sunny days it would depend on how deep in the water column your fishing for them. When it's high reds seem to work as good as the greens. When we are fishing them deeper around the thermoclines more greens. High water column spoon colors like DW Firecracker, Green Hornet, Watermelon, mixed veggies, Get R Done, Glow Corn. Deeper waters 42nd, Froggy, VQ Green Alewife, and Sea Sick Waddlers.
  15. All of Cannon's electrics have the same motor in them. We pull 20lb weights a lot with no issues. If your pulling 12's with these riggers look out! They will be fast!
  16. There isn't a Lakemaster card for our area at the moment. At least to my knowledge.
  17. Chris - Basically what that data broke down to was on average charter boats caught 8.XX fish per trip while rec anglers caught 2.XX. They also stated that percentage wise charter boats were only about a 1/3 to a 1/4 of the boats surveyed. So, their study consisted of much more rec anglers than charters.
  18. Usually after their 3 meetings along the South shore there is something published.
  19. Any and all that can make it. I personally find these meetings interesting. Monday, March 3, 2014: 7:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. at the Carlson Auditorium, in the Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science building (76-1125) on the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) campus, Rochester, Monroe County. The meeting is co-hosted by RIT and the Monroe County Fishery Advisory Board.
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