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Yankee Troller

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Everything posted by Yankee Troller

  1. 3 Large, and 5 Regular size. Large will fit magnum divers as well as regular ones. $25 pick up in Rochester, or add $5 for shipping.
  2. Cannon Downrigger releases and 3 Lauvericks for planner fishing. $30 pick up in Rochester, or add $5 for shipping.
  3. A-TOM-MIK ^^^ And that's why
  4. 2014 Lake Ontario State of the Lake - The meeting dates are as follows: Monday, March 3, 2014: 7:00 p.m. -... http://t.co/QDy5yktyRq

  5. There is always something to catch out there, so whatever happens because of this weather beats the nothing I'm doing right now! I'll troll around and play with new toys and lures for all I care! LOL
  6. Photo: HURRY!!! April 19th & 20th only dates left for Spring Brown Trout It’s a tough sell given the 20th... http://t.co/6C8RDcaL6g

  7. Spoke with Vito yesterday. He said that announcement will be made in a week Scotty.
  8. We ran them on our shakedown cruise last year. A buddy brought it. We only had 1. I can honestly say it was HOT that day!
  9. We run our boat A LOT, and cross the lake a few times a year, so we are a little more proactive when it comes to maintenance than most. Oil and filter changed every 100hrs Each Spring: Impellers Plugs Caps and Rotors Fuel filters Check timing Every 2 years: Belts Wires
  10. Depends on water clarity, depth, and bait choice. In the spring in lightly stained water with shallow diving baits we'll run 150 on the outside, 140 in the middle, and 130 on the inside. As bites happen you have to shorten them. Once I get to 80 or 90 I'll pull a side and re-rig. Obviously you adjust from there depending on the above factors.
  11. Nobody want your numbers! Just go out and fish! 95% of the field fishes close enough to the port the event is held out of that everyone knows where people are fishing. Part of tourney fishing is learning to read boats. Spring KOTL doesn't require numbers. Yet everyone and their mother fished with us on day 2 last year. That being said I could care less if we had to have numbers or not. If the rules require them then fine. It keeps people honest during boarder events.
  12. You don't have to do that if you going right to a port.
  13. Yes, it is. Sent from my Droid Maxx using the Lake Ontario United App.
  14. Photo: Dreamweaver’s new colors for 2014! Pick them up in your local retailers soon! http://t.co/OrkPwmAg8d

  15. If you need more than 8 fishing is slow, or your in the wrong spot! The only time we go to more than 8 (6 board lines and 2 riggers) is when it slows. Even then you'd never see more than 12 total off the back of my boat.
  16. Who installed it? Was it installed correctly? We have marked Kings down 350-400' off Oswego, and regularly mark them down on the bottom in 250 in the West end of Lake Ontario. It could be settings related especially with the 'Bird ducer. There are multiple frequencies it can run on depending on what you want the unit to do (side image, down image, narrow and wide beam 2D).
  17. It has to be in your settings, or transducer placement. We mark fish deep all the time! Which transducer are you running?
  18. Hopefully Tim is right! I'm selfish! I want all the Kings to myself, and the guys out West for a while.
  19. When Erie froze over about 3 Winters ago we saw a lot of Fog in May on the West end. Radars were very helpful! The King bite was tough for the first half of the month, but Lakers and Coho were plentiful. Then some Salmon showed in numbers offshore for a few weeks towards the end of the month. The motherload hit the inside waters during the Niagara Pro Am. It was a slaughter!
  20. Hank knows Pennys inside and out! You'll love that ducer!
  21. You East enders and your kickers!
  22. Check with Airmar...they are making some 1K ducers now with wide cones.
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