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Yankee Troller

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Everything posted by Yankee Troller

  1. Your gonna need it to pay for gas Wayne! LMAO
  2. Tim - you can sign prior to the WHI or OOO. If you sign up at the OOO then you can't count your WHi scores. So, if you fishing both you'd want to sign up for it at the WHI.
  3. Fixed.... We went away with the 1/2 rule that confused everyone. Sent from my Droid Maxx using the Lake Ontario United App.
  4. Minimum lengths are as follows: King, Coho, Brown Trout, Lake Trout - 19" Steelhead/Rainbow - 22" Atlantic - 26" Your Salmon limit can be any number of any species of Salmon.
  5. A teams daily box will consist of 5 Salmon and 5 Trout. The maximum number of Lake Trout allowed in a teams box each day will be 3. The strategy level of this event will hit levels never seen on the Lake Ontario tourney trail! This is also a cull event.
  6. Any boat with downriggers hanging off the back of it is sexy! Here is our ride. 1985 Trojan International Express
  7. Photo: Brown Trout Charters start in just 73 days! Only 4 dates are available for our April Brown Trout... http://t.co/b2MT7T3jZN

  8. Photo: Some great savings from Minn Kota! http://t.co/LVHgq9mgS8

  9. Spring Brown Trout charters will start in just 75 days! We have only 4 dates left to fish for these… http://t.co/pkTrvKQISr

  10. I hear you Kenny, but it's a very tough rule to enforce in my opinion. I come from bass tourneys. Long runs are fun but in our world, with the speed of most of our boats, long runs cost you LOTS of fishing time. If you know of any potential sponsors let us know!
  11. Not my fault you got womped at Niagara, and gave up not to fish Orleans! Hahahahahaha
  12. We run A-TOM-MIK Torpedos in the 15# size 95% of the time. They track great, and reasonably priced. Don't overpay for a piece of lead!
  13. No as long as they are supervised Sean. Sent from my Droid Maxx using the Lake Ontario United App.
  14. Yes Observers keep the integrity of the tourney, and more importantly monitor the closed communication rule.
  15. Photo: Looking to outfit a new boat or upgrade your older downriggers? Take advantage of this deal from... http://t.co/ad5NmTy7gf

  16. Yet to be determined Brian. I'm guessing it will be 4 or 5 of each.
  17. If anyone is interested in Sponsoring the event, or has a potential sponsor, please get in contact with one of the committee members.
  18. Many tournament participants received an e-mail the other day about the Orleans County Pro Am being canceled. The tournament committee in Orleans County was unable to raise enough money to be part of the Western Cup, which combined the points from Niagara and Orleans County. Therefore, we were forced to build something a small town like Pt. Breeze could sustain for future events. Oak Orchard Open - June 6th-8th Tournament Committee: Bob Songin - Reel Excitment Mark Lewis - Devonian Paul Czarnicki - Free Spirit Richard Hajecki - Yankee Troller Entries: Oak Orchard Open - $400 Calcutta - $250 Friday Big Fish Condor Event - $100 > Calcutta and Big Fish Friday are optional > Any team can get in on the Friday event, which will probably be the first event in the King of the Oak (KOTO) for 2014 Tournament Limit: Each day half your box will consist of Trout, and the other half will be Salmon. Amateurs: Although everyone is fishing the same division the highest placing amateur team (team that doesn't hold a Captains license) will win a separate prize. Other Info: No Communication during the Saturday and Sunday event during fishing times, and teams must provide an observer. 25% of the field payback More to come as details are worked out. So, check back here or head on over and 'Like' our Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/oakorchardopen
  19. Don't Forget - Spring Brown Trout Charters - SPLASH down in just 85 days! Brown Trout charters start, and... http://t.co/2WrAQLueID

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