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Yankee Troller

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Everything posted by Yankee Troller

  1. No need for a pic. One side has green dots and the other has black dots. I'm sure Fat Nancy's has them.
  2. August 22nd (Afternoon) / 23rd (Morning) - We had a new group out with us, and after the last few weeks we figured it was going to be another stellar weekend of fishing. We set up offshore around the 28N line on the afternoon trip, and went at it with a few fish right off the bat. Fishing wasn’t like it had been, but we still got some bites. Familiar Bite meat was good on our deep A-TOM-MIK coppers, and on our deep Cannon downriggers. A stud for us on both of these trips was a Green Legendary Smartfish/A-TOM-MIK Ultra Green Glow fly. We fished this on a diver back 200-250’. The following morning we gave it a try on the inside. It was good for four matures, but the bite died for us after that. We pulled the plug on that water and headed offshore where we easily finished up our limit on the 28N-29N lines. A mix of Salmon and Steel out there took mainly a flasher/fly program. This group had a blast given the bumpy conditions they were faced with. I’m sure we’ll see them back! August 22nd (Afternoon) / 23rd (Morning) - Joe got hooked on Lake Ontario last year, so he decided to make a few trips up here this year. He fished with us earlier in May on the Niagara Bar, but this time he brought some co-workers up from Pittsburgh to show them our great resource! On the afternoon trip the inside waters were so hot it was boiling in there! A four man limit on matures in three hours, and a bonus domestic Rainbow thrown in on top of that. These guys went 13 for 13 on the sticks. Almost unheard of this time of year! A Stinger Magnum Yellow Tail on a 300 Copper was very consistent for us. Our Familiar Bite Meat rigs on our deepest Cannons was good as well as the Green Smartfish/A-TOM-MIK Ultra Glow Green, The following morning we were excited to get back out there. We set up in the same inside waters as the night before, and had rods going almost instantly. Our best depths were 70-85’ a few clicks West of port. It wasn’t nearly as good of a bite as the night before, but we took 15 shots throughout the whole trip. However, we had some solid fish in our catch. We broke the 30lb mark again this year with a 30.8lb brute that took a Green dot Stinger E-Chip/A-TOM-MIK Ultra Green Glow fly. We had a 28lb fish that took a Dreamweaver Lucky Charm Cut Plug on our 10 color. That plug was our hot bait of the morning on a 10 color and a 200 A-TOM-MIK Copper. Other baits were one and done. August 24th (Afternoon) / 25th (Morning) - We had another new group with us. Total newbies, so we were excited to get out on the afternoon trip seeing how HOT the afternoon was a day prior. Well, we zigged when we should have zagged! We went out and fished the same inside waters from the morning only to end with our very first SKUNK! No hits, no runs, no errors! God, that was a tough pill to swallow, but the few left in there had lock jaw, so we had a nice boat ride and watched the sun set on the horizon. I was shocked when these guys showed up the next morning ready to go! I think they could sense the frustration we had the night before, and knew it would never happen again! We gave the inside one last shot for about two hours in the morning before we pulled the plug and headed North the the 28N line. We didn’t get all the rods in the water when both Familiar Bite meat rigs on our Cannon out and downs fired with mature Salmon. One was at 75’ down and the other was at 100’ down. The bite went on from there, and we boated some nice Steelies, and a few more Kings for these guys. Our A-TOM-MIK copper took over when the riggers stopped firing. A 300 was going good with a Dreamweaver Green dot Spin Doctor/A-TOM-MIK Ultra Green Glow, and the 400 was going with a White Dreamweaver Spin Doctor/A-TOM-MIK White Halo. August 25th (Afternoon) - I figured this would be a fun trip! Just a father and son from Jersey. They saw pics from a friends trip, and booked with us right away. We ran out to the 27N line and set rods. We didn’t get all of the rods in and our Familiar Bite on our 100’ Cannon downrigger fired with a mature. The battle was on! We got that fish to the boat, and then it turned into a slow pick. A fish about every 45 minutes. The next two fish would come on a Diver out 300’ pulling a Stinger E-Chip Hammertime/A-TOM-MIK Glow Blue Hijacker fly. Our last hit of the night was a short strike on a 500’ A-TOM-MIK copper pulling a Familiar Bite meat rig. These guys are hooked for sure!
  3. After reading this post a few months ago, Big Dave, I grabbed a couple of them. Well, the chrome version has been a great blade for us over the last month. An A-TOM-MIK Hypnotist seems to work best behind it for us. I turned a few guys onto it at the Oak and they have had it flying too! Thanks for starting the post!
  4. Never heard of the guy and I can't find a website.
  5. I can't read between the lines....you guys are killing me with these posts! I'd love to know who this guy is! LOL
  6. Catch our last available date! - August 30th from 2pm-8pm is available if anyone wants a shot at the HUGE... http://t.co/Xn1wXmThQW

  7. They are there. Learn how to use your GPS. On the Humminbirds if you are on the map and hit the arrow keys your Lat/Lon will pop up on the top of the screen. You can also select to display your Lat/Lon as a readout.
  8. Hahahahahahahahaha Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  9. Your lucky my bro was driving in on Sunday. I would have waked ya!
  10. A few Canadian guys I know use them. I would like to pick up a few set-ups to have fun with. The guys I know are using the Islander reels on Sage mooching rods. Not a cheap combo.
  11. I think so. Hopefully, we're not running offshore every day by then. That's getting old! I thought I saw your boat in the background of a picture my brother took on Friday. That's why I asked if you'd been out there. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  12. What port did you fish from?
  13. What are you asking for the boat?
  14. Put some salt on the meat to toughen it up a little. Make sure your hook isn't tearing it up (means hook is too high if you are), and if it didn't get bit on the West end of this lake in an hour the rig needs to be changed out. Meat has been on fire the last month.
  15. Photoset: August 18th - Another day with the Maryland boys, and another memorable day for the 2013 season!... http://t.co/Bv5hfXEsJ0

  16. It's a Brown Trout that was part of a Quad over 500' of water. It came on the 75’ downrigger pulling a Dreamweaver Sea Sick Waddler mupped.
  17. August 15 (afternoon) & August 16th (Morning) - Marc Roberts saw the damage his brother did last year up on Ontario with us, so he had to come see what it was like for himself! We worked the 28-30N lines right out front and it turned into another CCTCD (Can’t Close the Cooler Day)! We ran our 8 rod set-up. Our Cannon downriggers probed the 70-125’ area, our divers were out 250-325’, and we ran three coppers from 400-600’ out. The meat bite coupled with the fly bite should be illegal right now! The Familiar Bite behind big meat paddles have been on fire the last few weekends fished on our deep coppers, and our deepest Cannon downrigger. Pair that with our A-TOM-MIK flies, and these Salmon don’t stand a chance! August 17th - The Maryland boys were back again this year, and this time they brought nice weather! We headed back out to the 28-30N line and worked the 10-12W line for an hour or two in the morning, but we found our area to the West on the 15-16W line late morning. The bites started to come fast, but we never did break 24lbs today. We ran our typical spread. The A-TOM-MIK coppers were on fire! A 400 and two 500 coppers gave us a lot of action! Dreamweaver’s Green dot Spin Doctors pulling an A-TOM-MIK Hypnotist fly was good on the 400 copper, and Familiar Bite meat on both 500 coppers seemed to work well. Our divers were going from 275-325’ out. A Wonderbread Smartfish/A-TOM-MIK Glow Blue Hammer was on fire on one, while the other side had a Twinkie Meat rig. Our Cannons pulled rigs from 70-125’ down, and a Stinger E-Chip 2 face/A-TOM-MIK Ultra Green Glow was great once the sun came up. We were fishing the second to last leg of the King of the Oak tournament series, so we stayed out even after we boxed out. I’m pretty sure we hit 40 bites by 2pm, which might be one of the better days of 2013! August 17th (afternoon) - We went out with a new crew from Buffalo. These guys had caught the darkies in the stream, but wanted to experience the fresh fish swimming in Lake Ontario! After the morning we had I couldn’t wait to get back out there! We fished the same area we had been in the last few weeks. 28-30N and 14-17W was the ticket. Dominic (the kid) was the coolest little guy! He wanted to reel in every fish once he saw the first once come over the side. He even manhandled a 500 copper to land one of the fish he’s holding in the pictures above. Stinger’s 2 face E-Chip/A-TOM-MIK Hypnotist was very productive on our 90’ Cannon downrigger. Our Familiar Bite meat was also good on our 100’ Cannon downrigger. Wires were firing anywhere from 250-300’ out on a 2 setting with both A-TOM-MIK flies and Familiar Bite meat. I’m pretty sure the kid is hooked! August 18th - Another day with the Maryland boys, and another memorable day for the 2013 season! We FINALLY cracked the 30lb mark with a 30.08lb Chinook Salmon! The bite started slow like it did on Saturday morning, but picked up around 8 o’clock and we were headed in by noon with a 5 man limit! The 30lb Salmon was part of a quadruple! It took a Moonshine Carbon 14 on a 300’ A-TOM-MIK Copper rig, next to go was a wire diver out 200’ pulling a Legendary SmartFish Wonder dot/A-TOM-MIK Glow Blue Hammer, then the Familiar Bite went on the 90’ Cannon downrigger, and we ended with a Brown Trout on the 75’ Cannon downrigger pulling a Dreamweaver Sea Sick Waddler mupped. All that and no tangles! The wire diver out 200’ pulling a Legendary SmartFish Wonder dot/A-TOM-MIK Glow Blue Hammer took multiple fish for us, and so did Familiar Bite meat on our 500 A-TOM-MIK coppers and our deep Cannon downriggers. Our 400 A-TOM-MIK Copper was also good with a Dreamweaver Green Dot Spin Doctor.A-TOM-MIK Hypnotist. These guys got spoiled!
  18. Photoset: August 15 (afternoon) & August 16th (Morning) - Marc Roberts saw the damage his brother did last... http://t.co/EHmiLj6Hte

  19. Wicked fishing at the Oak on Lake Ontario! http://t.co/AYgLhehs61

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