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Yankee Troller

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Everything posted by Yankee Troller

  1. Photo: RECENTLY OPENED UP - September 14th and 15th Don’t miss out on an opportunity to catch Lake Ontario’s... http://t.co/m6fS1hJdms

  2. First problem here is letting your Wife or GF tell you a fish mount isn't allowed in the house. I have a few of these buddies and I just shake my head.
  3. If your on the fence about it then you made the right decision not to mount it. That's a tank for Erie, and their new stocking programs for BT seem to be working nicely. Nice fish BTW! I've always told myself it had to be over 15lbs for me to mount a BT, but with the amount of pigs were seeing I'm leaning more towards 17/18lbs.
  4. They are taking Alewife away from the Kings and Gobies away from the Brown Trout.....Kill them all! LOL It's actually getting annoying out there with the amount of Lakers. It started this Spring on the beach, and now they are suspended in the water column munching your F/F combos. Whatever the case may be I hope it comes to an end soon!
  5. Good job buddy! I hope they are starting to show up!
  6. Thanks everyone! Looking forward to the June transition is done! See ya out there!
  7. The Monster pods are on the North shore right now. If we had no charters this coming weekend I'd gas the boat up and head over for the weekend. It's Niagara Bar fishing, but the fish are starting to get BIG! FYI...you can weigh in fish caught in Canada. The trip may pay for itself if anyone makes it.
  8. Photoset: June 22 - We moved our charter this weekend back a few weeks due to a motor that was acting up.... http://t.co/DFuknirchA

  9. June 22 - We moved our charter this weekend back a few weeks due to a motor that was acting up. Oh, the fishing was less than stellar too! Personally, I wanted to hit the BT up first thing, but we decided to chase the Kings since we heard the bite the previous two days yielded a couple nice ones. We set up in 100’ of water pointed NW and trolled it out to 180’ before turning it back in. All we had to show for our efforts were some Lake Trout. After a few hours we decided to head in to check on the Brown Trout. As we were getting into 40’ of water our Starboard diver fires out 35’ on a 3 pulling a Stigner Sea Sick Waddler. After some flips and a few short runs we put the net under a 13lb Atlantic. This was one of the best fights I’ve ever seen out of an Atlantic. A few minutes later in Brown Trout waters the other diver starts thumping out 25’ on a 3 setting pulling a Stinger Stingray Glow Alewife. A few minutes later and we slid the net under a porker of a Brown Trout weighing close to 15lbs. We put him gently in our new Grizzly cooler, and figured we were going to put a whooping on some fish in these waters after hooking two in 15 minutes. The picture in 15-25’ was great with bait and hooks. The temps were perfect in the lower third of the water column. No one was around, so we were just chomping at the bit looking for some more monster Brown Trout that no one ever bothers with out West. Granted it was 10/11am, but we had a full moon. Well, we fished in there for 2 more hours without a touch. Finally, on a lure change a Brown Trout came up and whacked a new Stinger Stingray UV Chicken Wing right as my brother was going to lock it into the downrigger. That would conclude our day of derby fishing. June 23 - We left the dock around 7am and figured we’d try the Brown Trout thing out first down East. The water East seemed to be a few degrees warmer, so we had to push out a little further, but the bait and hooks were still there. However, the cottonwood on the surface made it impossible to fish those waters. We tried it for an hour but having to clean lines constantly, and the lack of bites, made the decision easy to head out to see if any Kings were around. It took some time to change out leaders, and put a whole other program down, but once we did the Lake Trout were like those little annoying ankle biter black flies. You couldn’t keep them off! We continued NE out past the fleet because we knew all they were catching were Lake Trout. The screen got good again in the 250-300’ range off Eagle Harbor. There was a lot of bait in the top 80’ with a few hooks around it. However, all we could manage was a nice 8lb Steelie on a Dreamweaver UV Lemon Ice down 60’ before we called it quits around 11am.
  10. There are some there, but the bite is still slow due to the June transition period. My brother fished 2 hours yesterday night and did 3 matures. The continuously warm weather/west winds we are in store for over the next few weeks will fire things up.
  11. You may have missed my update, but here it is - http://www.lakeontariounited.com/fishing-hunting/index.php/topic/37329-lake-ontario-tweets-update/
  12. Photo: Our 2013 Crazy Yankee Sportfishing (CYS) T-Shirt’s are here! Don’t forget grab one after your... http://t.co/fUE475bjeN

  13. I have received a few calls, and a few texts, regarding the updates on LOT. Unfortunately, Twitter has discontinued the API we used to bring in the Tweets from our Captains. If you don't know what an API is don't worry most people don't. Its a developer term. However here is a quick lesson on what an API is. An application-programming interface (API) is a set of programming instructions and standards for accessing a Web-based software application or Web tool. A software company releases its API to the public so that other software developers can design products that are powered by its service. We are going to try to get it up and running again, but it will take some time as the code needs to be re-written for LOT. I would like to open LOT up to our 'Pro' members, but I would also like the Captains Tweets to be highlighted so they stand out. I don't want our Captains Tweets to be drowned in the mass Tweets.
  14. Penn 345 is slower. If your going to fish a 500 copper get the fastest reel possible.
  15. You don't need a mag diver to get to 100'. Mag divers will reach those depths with less line out, but sometimes getting it away from the boat with a 001 diver is better. On a 2 setting with 275-300' of wire out should get you to 100' down. Even when we run 4 divers we run four 001 divers. Very rarely do we go to a mag diver. We never use a snubber on our divers.
  16. Nope, but Captains Cove has both the reels and the drags. I'm sure they can do it for you.
  17. We've been smoking them pretty damn good too! No complaints here! There is no way you will over fish this lake. Back in the hay days there were lines of trucks/trailers waiting to get to the Lake on derby mornings. You don't see that crowd anymore. The last two seasons have been oddities, and I think we are finally back to a "normal" season. Two years ago we had a very cold Winter/Spring. Last season was extremely warm during the Winter and Spring. This is traditional June. Fishing is slow as the lake stratifies. If your not catching them your not in the right place.
  18. As a looooong time Daiwa fan it hurts me to say this, but you can't beat a Tekota 800 with an update Tuna Tom Drag. You can get 150yds of 50lb backing, 500ft of copper, and your leader. Unfortunately, you should upgrade the drags on a brand new reel, but after you do so it will be sweet! These reels have been proven for many years now too, which is another perk.
  19. OK....I thought you were taking a shot at me. I apologize.
  20. FYI.......They went out yesterday. I am told they held them back a few days to do them up a little, and that there should be no complaints about this one.
  21. Definitely Kevin Jerge who operates the Wilson Boat Yard.
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