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Yankee Troller

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Everything posted by Yankee Troller

  1. Steady bite from shippy to Webster. Chartreuse has been good.

  2. The Misdemeanor boat took these 2 Chinook this morning out of the Genny. 1 on a BFuller spoon the other took a stick http://t.co/5vNyMZOEy5

  3. PK....your absolutely right. We only fish BT for a few weeks in April until the Kings show up in Canada, and then nothing else really matters! So, since we are fishing these fish early enough we can stick to the beach in <10' of water. We use 15lb main line to help float the sticks a little so we can get in a little tighter if need be.
  4. Michigan's UP is looking at a foot of snow today also. These rain showers are really slamming the Great Lakes the last few days. Every bit helps!
  5. Waited in the Dr. Office waiting room for 45 minutes. Thanks Obamacare!

  6. Yea, your a day late and a dollar short. That bite doesn't last long, and I heard they were on them good two weekends ago.
  7. That was this Sunday morning. I went to take a picture of a Triple, and when I snapped the pic that guy cracked one off. It broke right below the blood knot. My guess is I didn't moisten it enough when tying the knot and I burned the flouro.
  8. Make sure you let your buddies know your using light line! Otherwise, this might happen......Don't worry most people learn quick not to lock down the drag when using light line. Others need their hand slapped.
  9. Your fine with 10lb test. We run 15lb mainline on our Spring Brown Trout rods and leader down to 6-8lb test depending on water clarity. Just take your time, have fun, and you will land every fish that was meant to be landed.
  10. Someone has to take your spot while your on the sidelines! Two more weekends to beat on Ra-cha-cha fish and we are headed for Canada my friend.
  11. Exactly! LOL Some of these guys are just plain D**ks. Don't let them push you around. My rule of thumb is if I give you the inside when we pass the first time I expect you to give me the inside when we pass the next time, and so on and so forth. Sometimes, your not paying attention, and you put yourself in a ****ty situation. If you take the 10 seconds to wave and apologize to the other boat it goes a long way.
  12. Photoset: April 7th - Back at it again with a crew that did a Salmon trip with us in 2012. They were looking... http://t.co/5uyyVHoRcq

  13. I agree Brian, but all the Lakers I cleaned this weekend were just about empty. The Brown Trout on the other hand were loaded with them. Tons of 3" gobies and a few 6-7" gobies in every ones stomach. The Lakers were loaded just East of I-Bay yesterday so thick we went through and did a quad, Sure Strike did a triple, and Goater did two on our first pass. All one after another in parade mode.
  14. April 6th - We left the dock a little past 6am with a new crew. Breaking the pier heads we choose right, so down to Oklahoma Beach we went. We set out a typical Spring Brown Trout set-up. Three lines off each planer board with sticks, our Cannon out downs had spoons, and over the top of them we ran a split shot spoon. When we got to Irondequoit we knew it was gonna be a tough day if we didn’t find better water. It was chocolate milk! So, out went the bright colored lures. Things started slow! We decided to put a rod down the chute because of the slow bite, and we picked up a Brad’s ThinFish and sent it out. We’ve had good luck on these in the past for BT. It wasn’t out there two minutes and FISH ON! We loaded one board up with these baits and the fish started to come. We found a few pockets with water that wasn’t complete mud, and I think the rattles in those baits helped draw the fish in. Brads ThinFish in Green Speck, Blue Green Yellow Lazer, and Red Black Squiggles all took their fair share of hits. We would go on to work those pockets and pick away at fish. One of the guys had the lucky rotation and too three fish at the double digit mark. His buddies fish were much smaller, but surprisingly there wasn’t a lot of smack talking about it. I know I would have been running my mouth if I was him! April 7th - Back at it again with a crew that did a Salmon trip with us in 2012. They were looking for a wall mounter Brown Trout, and we almost made that happen! Again, we made the decision to go right when we broke the piers about 6;30am. Down to the waters from the previous day, and we notice right away the mud is gone, and we can see down 10-12’. Oh Boy….change out the spread! It’s amazing what a few hours of South wind will do! Out went the naturals in a typical Spring program. Three flat lines off each planer board, a spoon run on our Cannon out and downs, and a split shot spoon run right over the top of those. We hit the area just East of that tragic Christmas Eve shooting, and I think we moved 6 rods in a matter of 10 minutes. After only landing two of those fish we decided it was time for a lesson on light line Brown Trout fishing. After that these guys had it down! Those two fish happened to be Lake Trout, which we’ve been seeing a lot of on the beach this Spring. The few boats after us also hit that spot and pulled LT’s, so we decided to push on East. Water was very clear, and we only took two shots from there to Hedges. One being the beast of the trip. A nicely colored up 12lb Brown Trout. We finally went back to the area we pounced on them in the morning and would go on to take 2-3 fish per pass until mother nature decided to blow 40. Hot baits today were Smithwicks and Rapalas in natural colors.
  15. The shoreline is loaded with chickens. Wondering where the BT went......

  16. Tougher bite today, but this brute took a Smithwick off the boards a little bit ago. Longer leads and natural colors. http://t.co/0vb2S8oucx

  17. Rumor has it this was a 25lb brute taken at the oak this morning. Gonna try and get the scoop http://t.co/Ya0VrpU8IV

  18. The biters are in pockets. Best temp we found was 40. Still a lot of brown water.

  19. Dirty water = Brads Thin Fish time. http://t.co/JwP1waOiTZ

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