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Yankee Troller

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Everything posted by Yankee Troller

  1. Airmar transducers are top notch! If you can buy the unit without a ducer then do it and buy an Airmar. However, I'm sure the 'Bird ducers will work just fine.
  2. I was a HUGE Lowrance fan back in my Bass days. At the end I had numerous units fail on me within a year of my purchase. Customer service, when you got a hold of them, was the worst I've ever experienced. I vowed to never buy a Lowrance product ever again because of this. I hear they have improved, and they have a lot of new products out there. However, as long as our 'Birds keep functioning as they have for the past four seasons, and their customer service remains top notch we most likely wont be switching to anything else.
  3. Check out the Humminbird 858 or 958. You wont be disappointed. The only difference between the two is the screen size. Neither of them come with down imaging or side imaging, which you probably wont use anyway. We had a 958 with an Airmar SS60 transducer, and it was was a great unit. If you shop around the Internet you can probably find the 958 around $1,000. Otherwise, the 858 is under your price point, and would work just fine.
  4. Was asked to play in a Mens over 30 Soccer League this Summer, and that's when I realized that we are getting way to freakin' old! SOaB!

  5. Amen to this!
  6. Recently released rules for the 2013 Oswego Pro Am. If your interested in fishing it check them out - https://t.co/SoG9tTt9qj

  7. It was actually sad that only two charter captains from the Olcott/Wilson/Niagara area showed up to this meeting. I betcha I only knew about 4-5 people there, which was surprising to me. Not a good showing from the West.
  8. Hammerhead Tackle also sells the vertical cow bells. He is located right here in Rochester. He's been selling them for a few years now, and he also says Champlain is his best market for these. Hammerhead Tackle
  9. One more weekend of projects. The Yank sees the light of day on Mon/Tues. Splashes on Friday. Beat down begins Sat and Sun!

  10. If I wanted to read that much I'd call my GF and have her talk my ear off! Im kidding....good info there.
  11. Ace....I love ya...but if you ever write that much on one of my post again I will kick you square in the family jewels at the next tourney I see you at.
  12. I understand what he meant now Sk8man. Thanks!
  13. Curious why he told you this?
  14. Lots 4 and 5 are still available. Other lots are pending payment. All Lots are $20 shipped. $15 picked up. Lot 1 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6
  15. Girl on the machine next to me at the gym has a book with her called "How to eat a cupcake." Lol

  16. Thanks Jeff. That's a knot I have never tied, so I will look into it. I am not worried about getting into the backing. Aint nobody got time to reel all that in! I'd rather lock the drag down and take my chances! LOL Like I mentioned above I'm doing it to gain counter accuracy and to get true 6.1:1 gear ratio on those 30 Saltist.
  17. All three were new at some point during the 2012 season. $50/battery
  18. I know...that's why we use it.
  19. Slippery Sinker usually carries it. 200 or 250lb Power Pro
  20. Thanks guys. I thought about braid Brian, but the small diameter would cost me a ton spooling up that many wires.
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