This guy sells a ton of these. Billy V put them in his ride. They are cheap and you can sting as many as you'd like under your gunnels.
Coastal Night Lights LED strips
Glen you can get away with 2-3 colors on 27 size Daiwas. I usually take my mono BT set-ups and strip off some line to fit 2-3 colors on there once we get to Wilson.
I think you need to slow down and perfect running your riggers well with dipsys. Once you have that down start experimenting with Copper. It's nicer to run them off to the side with a planer board rather than down the chute where it can really get in the way. If you are not 1) Tourney fishing 2) Chartering or 3) going to consume the fish I would not run coppers longer than a 300. It will pretty much kill the fish.
Copper is an expensive game because you need different lengths to achieve different strike zones. I am in no way affiliated with Torpedos, but for someone starting out with "junk lines" I would buy two wire set-ups and two sets of Torpedo divers. The depth chart is included and you can cover so many depths for much cheaper than investing in 4-10 copper set-ups. They can also double as your 3rd and 4th diver if you want to run 4 wires.
Ryan has done a Largemouth for me and a Salmon for one of my brothers Ex's. I have seen his other work, and it is pretty good. I know he's won a few awards at shows he's attended.
I remember Dennis Daniels telling us in our Captains Class that it meant 100' or smaller. That being said if they are over 6', and most times 5', you wont catch us out there. Not worth it, beating your gear up, or your life.
Send her back to the company. Cannon will service it and get it right back out to you. The good thing is the season is over and you wont be missing any fishing because of it.
Tentatively the dates for the Tightline events out of Bluffers Park marina are - 6/15 & 8/3
Keep an eye on here a month or so before hand as well as on Spoonpullers (Canadian Board) for people looking for an observer. Hell, if you want to do both for us let's get r dun!
Your best bet would be to observe in the Spring and Summer tightline events at Bluffers Park. That event is attracting more and more top American teams, and all the top Canadian teams fish it. No better way to learn than to fish with them in practice, and then head on over to another ride to watch how they do it in a tourney.
If you need more info about these let me know and I can get you in contact with the right people. heck we are always looking for a local to observe for us in these events.
Auger is in good condition and comes with a brand new blade in the package. Starts up within a few pulls when cold. Drills an 8" hole, and is a very reliable auger. $150 pick up in Rochester.
I had 242 gallons with more than enough Stabill w/ Ethanol Treatment in the ride before I took it from the ROC to Sodus. It's also a lot nicer not having to fill her up in the Spring with an empty bank account! Projects, winter storage, and the dock for the upcoming season all drain that sucker quick!
47 fly bodies (mostly A-TOM-MIKs) in various color patterns. Most are brand new, and a few are slightly used.
22 storage tubes used to hold flies
$50 picked up in Rochester, or buyer pays shipping.
The only issue I ever had with the Yamaha's I ran was the fuel strainer, and that was on a 2005 225 Yamaha HPDI. Went through two of them. What it would do is stall the engine under a load.
The date for the third Wilson Harbor Invitational (WHI) will be May 11th, 2013.
Invitations for the teams that fished in 2012 will be going out soon. New entrants need to e-mail Rick Hajecki @ [email protected] to be put on a list to fill spots for teams not coming back.
I need to have the two seats in the boat re-padded. If you've seen the size of my brother and I it didn't take long for the padding to squish down. Looking for someone who can do this reasonably.