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quality time

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Everything posted by quality time

  1. Great job and some real nice boxs of fish. I was wondering who had the fastest boat Very nice to include kids in the crew. Looked like alot oof fun Wes
  2. You cook the skin for the dog? My dog loves fish and I was wondering about feeding him some cooked skin. He normaly gets a bite of my fillet. Wes
  3. Congrats to the Billy V Junior team Always good to see kids enjoying the sport. We had a steady pick of fish all day but could not get into any real big ones. No matter because we all had a good time and and got to chat with our LOU buddies! Copper Liz's kids are up from Texas so it was fun to get them in a derby. Billy V 's crew with trophy! Copper Liz's kids at weigh-in!
  4. The map is near spot on for Cayuga, Found some places on Senaca that it was off some. Not sure on other lakes. Error is less than 50' on gps these days. That will get you pretty close. We have gone down canals in pitch black following tracks from daytime trips and it got us there safe. Nothing is perfect but we find this to be a great tool. Wes
  5. This is a fun event because you get to meet and great the people you chat with. You will not meet a better bunch of people. Wes
  6. Nice job Kade
  7. When am I going to see that new boat?
  8. Spend the money for a good swivel. I like Sampo ( made in USA)with welded ring. They are not cheap but I have had failure with some brands that I used to trust. Split rings and snaps that have not been tempered correctly. Made in China go figure.
  9. We run 30lb mono during flea season then swivel 10' leader than dou loc snap. Getting a big heavy snap off the spoon does help action!
  10. I've lost spinny's as well. I shortned the leads and that helped but after sending 3 or 4 spinnys to the bottom I went back to regular 30 lb. mono.
  11. I forgot to mention started picking up fleas
  12. I have to give my wife credit for the pic. I love that dog and the wife is not to bad either. 32 years marriage yesterday
  13. Took my wife and dog out on Cayuga today for 2 hrs. First time for the dog on the boat. He did very well. He always begs for a piece of fish so I thought it was about time he helped me catch them! We did about 8 fish no big ones most in the 3 to 4 pound range. Fish hit super slim spoons in green and white with green dot spinny with Senaca ghost fly. Thermocline starting to set up fish caught were 50 /60 feet down over 70 /130 feet of water in front of AES. Wes
  14. Nice salmon! If you get them any bigger you are going to need to take her to the gym so she can hold them up! How do you like the lip gripper?
  15. When the reel is full it will be closer. Make sure you have a friend to help you spool the wire. One misshap and you kink the wire and ruin the spool. Get a second person with leather glove on to hold the spool . You must keep it tight. If you have a big enough yard you can wind on wire connect mono, reel until reel is full. Do not forget that mono will swell once wet so leave some room for that. Tie the mono to something heavy and walk untill reel is empty. Walk back to mono end put on reel and wind it in from the other end. Again the wire should be hooked to something so you can wind it tight. Wes
  16. That should not matter. The rod load and drag would be the same either way. We run a 8' rod on inside and 10' on the outside. This last weekend we got into some smaller 3 to 4 pound fish and they were short striking. So we would leave the rod in the rod holder untill they were hooked up solid. I think the weight of bigger fish helps with hookup. A small fish can get dragged along with little pressure on the hook.
  17. I got the mag rings at Basspro shop. The also call them monster rings.
  18. That will change depth very little . We do it to get the lines clear of the rigger rods on a hard turn. If the rod were up they could catch on a rod guide of the rigger rod and pull it out of the rod holder. and yes you can put a mag ring in a 1 dipsy. This is not a must but we do it so the two dipsy's are farther apart. You can still get tangles when you get into weeds even with this setup.
  19. We run a 4 dipsy setup. It depends on what you run behind the dipsy as far as drag. more drag = less depth. Our normal setup is Mag dipsy with mag ring on #1 setting is our inside and deep rod. It varies with speed and lures but 185' out will get you around 80 to 90 feet. Our outside dipsy is a number 1 also with mag ring on # 3 setting. To fish with spoons for silver fish in upper water column 100' to 150' should do the trick. Many complain that they can not get deep enough but when you ask them they are not running the rings. Standard ring gets 20% deeper than no ring and mag ring gets you 30% more. If we are fishing lakers on both dipsys we will run The #1 with mag ring out 250' to as far as 400' You have to play around with it and smacking the bottom will tell you how deep you are getting. We hit bottom in 130' with our mag dipsy with 250' of wire out. Run one side of the boat shorter than the other and see which one fires then you can adjust the other side going even farther out to see if that is better yet. Many things change depths you can reach such as water density, currents, lure drag. speed. The charts are only good for guideline. Change things up untill you start caching fish. Wes
  20. I just ordered two chamberlain's today Hal. I will keep you psted how they work! Wes
  21. flyak, I did the kayak thing last winter . If you have a peddle yak like Nick saw you will be in good shape. I ran two leadcores one down the chute the other on a inline planer. Fishing with the wind was no problem but going into wind was tough. If you stop paddling to rig something you were dead in the water and lines were heading to the bottom . I ended up running one line into the wind and two with the wind. My yak is a two man so if we had another person in the boat that day it would have been much easier. Nice stealthy way to catch fish. Before I got my big boat I spent many hours fishing from the yak. I've heard guys say the fish for salmon with them. I've never done that but I can tell you a 25lb carp can tow you at a pretty good speed! Wes
  22. Fishing should be fun. The purpose of this site is to share information. I use to fish old school and caught fish but it was not untill I started posting on this forum that I got some of the skills that have made me a better fisherman. The statement of hanging dinks is unfair because I am sure these captains are not targeting dinks. 30 years ago a 6 fish day fishing trip was a good day for me. It is not uncommon to have a 30 fish day now with fish averaging 6lbs. Our dink for this weekend was a 16 perch. I'm not sure why the modern trolling thing upsets you. New york state allows us to fish many styles of fishing, trolling, seth green riggs ,pulling copper, live bait, jigging. You pick the style that works for you. These captains work with DEC to keep them informed with the health of the lake. Most do not understand how hard they work to put smiles on the faces of their clients. The name of our boat is Quality time because this is what the time spent fishing with family is . Life is to short to fish angry! Wes
  23. Test! My last post did not work!
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