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quality time

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Everything posted by quality time

  1. Keep'n it reel I left another copper on the bottom for you! I broke this one on the the braid backer. I didn't even have a fish on. I checked my roller rod and found the guides had groves worn in them. The burr must have cut the braid. If you find that one you will have a nice bright new copper 600'. My own fault for not checking my equipment. I could have marked it on my gps but I was so dumb founded I didn't think to do that. Good luck Sunday! Wes
  2. The charts are for 30 lb mono. I would never run that on a dipsy .Due to stretch you would not be able to trip it if you had 300' of line out. Not sure why they don't have the chart for wire that is what everybody runs. Wes
  3. Twillys with wire. I've hit bottom in 150' of water but the only way to be sure is keep letting line out till you hit bottom. Boat speed , lures and current all have an affect. I run as many as three dipsies per side . I run all with mag rings. Because I run riggers my first disy is mag dipsy on 1 setting, second dipsy is # 1 dipsy on 2 setting, Third is #1 dipsy on 3 setting. The key is let them out slowwwwww and keep a straight track. If currents are bad I run a Mag dipsy set on 1 and number #1 dipsy set on 3 and seldom have any problems. Wes
  4. I got several fish down 140 feet. Dropped two nice fish in front of a big audience at Tfalls. Doubled up with two big silver fish and they both came off at the same time. We spent the morning jigging which I have always wanted to try. Not a single bite.Started trolling back after 1:00pm and had a steady pick. Great day to be on the lake. Wes
  5. See you on the water! Wes
  6. I will be on channel 68 today if anyone is out and about. Wes
  7. Thanks, I hope to get out Saturday. I will post how we do! Wes
  8. Sean how the heck big is your trophy room? I remember another big bull a few years ago. Good to see kids getting involved. Got to be a proud day for you as well. Wes
  9. The caretaker is making an attempt to warn you that the ramp will be jammed up at a certain time. You can go back to the launch at the same time but it might be crowded. Any time people come to fish from outside the area the spend money in that town, pay launch fees and so on. How long do you think our state parks and local parks would stay open if only 1 or 2 people used them on a weekend. It would be nice if we always had the lake to ourselves but then who would come to our aide if we got in trouble! The fact of the matter is all the stocking and access programs would not happen if only a few used them. I have been fishing with a 92 year old guy that has been fishing the lake for over 50 years and he told me that the fishing pressure is a fraction of what it was 30 or 40 years ago. He said that most any weekend 50 boats would be working in front of his cottage. Many of the people that fish these derbies have direct contact with the local DEC biologist giving first hand what is going on with the lake. If you want a private fishing hole buy a big lake, post it, stock it,build a ramp and have at it!
  10. Nice job Keepin It Reel. Thanks for cleaning up the bottom that I left a mess.My wife could not believe you guys got it. Hope you can rebreath some life back in that old copper. Nick was correct on the length. It started out as 600' but due to another misshape It ended that length. It was a fun day. Good to meet some new people and catch up with ones that we have known for years. Nice job Mike! Wes
  11. You can not have any rods in rod holders. If you have a big boat with hardtop it might be close. The only time I launch from T-falls is in the winter when the water is down. If you have a smaller boat you should be fine. It can be tricky in high seas because it is narrow in the chute. Treman is only 7 miles down the road. That would be safer with the south wind in my opinion. On a good note my 600' copper came in the mail today. Game on! Wes
  12. When I say south end I mean south of the salt plant. I've taken many fish in the fall in that area. Wes
  13. If you have a small boat and are worried about the wind fish the south end. I love a little chop! I will take that over flat calm any day. Wes
  14. I remember one derby that we had many years ago we had 40 mph winds out of the north. That was a fun ride. I think 58 Johnson was out in that before he got his new boat. I broke off a tx -22 inline board off with 30lb powerpro. Last weekend the wind was blowing pretty good but the waves never stacked up because the wind kept changing direction. Wes
  15. If the weatherman is correct it would be a good idea if we have boats going head to head on the same contour line the boat going with the wind giveway since they can turn easier. I always try to hail on the radio. I will tell you what my boat looks like, I might wave my net to get your attention and will tell you if I am running copper or just short lines. Good communication can get both boats back on course as fast as possible. Should be a fun day!
  16. You are never alone on this lake. You hope you never need help and you hope you are nearby if someone needs help. Wes
  17. Great of you to offer. I should be fine. I can use my 300' and a drop weight. I was just hoping it would have been here by now. I ordered it almost a week ago. It might still make it in time. My crew will not be sad if it does not show Mike I will donate some of Ben's flies. I have at least 10 to offer. It would be nice if we have enough donations for all the boats to get something. Any other donations to add? Wes
  18. Lost my 600 copper a few weeks ago. Just learned my replacement has not shipped yet! Wes
  19. Les, I might not get a box full of fish but I should have plenty of B.S. Wes
  20. Tough fishing brings out the best in us. It will be fun to see what everyone brings in. We should see some big browns and salmon. It seems good to see so much bait. Wes
  21. Bring it on! It gives the lures more action. Wes
  22. We were never out to win, we just loved all the planning and trying new things. He had great respect for the outdoors and I remember one LOU derby we had three 9lb lakers in the box and we caught a 5 lb rainbow. The rainbows were scarce in those days and we decided to release that fish even though we needed it for our five fish box. I think we are in for some good fishing over the next few years. With reduced laker stocking and larger creel limit, more pressure from other lakes that are not doing well the fish numbers will be down but the size and health of the fish will be better. With the amount of bait I have been seeing it might be tougher fishing because they have so much to eat. I love the challenge more than filling a box so I am O.K. with that. Wes
  23. Les, Are you trying to trick me to get me out of the competition The derby is on Sunday. I'm looking forward to meeting you.We have both been doing this for a long time. It has been hard for me since my boy passed away tree years ago. He was a better fisherman than I but the two of us made a great team. He made me promise that I would keep fishing and I hope to do well this weekend in his honor. I think the big lakers are still in spawn mode. Wes
  24. Cayuga 10/8 The only good thing was no fleas! Temps were deep. we got some short salmon and a couple of small lakers. Lost a nice brown 50' behind the boat. Weeds are still a big problem. All spoon bite . almost every time we pulled rods they were fouled with weeds. Marked tons of bait and one of the lakers I cleaned had three smelt in his gut. I have not seen that in years. Wes
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