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quality time

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Everything posted by quality time

  1. Andy, We have not been out much this year but we got out for the lou all. We started at the south end and the water was real warm down to 90'. We then went to AES trolled North till the kicker dies got that going and started trolling west north of AES. We had a good action for a few minutes near the middle of the lake. We broke off 2 good fish one looked like a rainbow and then dropped 5 more fish. Our bad luck might have had something to do with the wife got trail mix for us to munch on and it had bananas in it. We also broke a downrigger. Enough about my bad luck go get them. Wes
  2. Quality time is in! Going to try a new crew member for luck! Wes
  3. I would weld it. Marathon boats in Marathon , New york do that type of thing all the time. Wes
  4. Nice job Nick! I Think you had a little Cayuga luck onboard. I should be able to get in for next year. Great job on the derby as well. Wes
  5. I just looked at your pics and see you have Honda's. My Honda kicker has a drain port on the carb bowl. Catch the gas like you did and look to see if you have water at the bottom of the sample. It will be clear and the fuel will darker. We had this happen to us and we could not see the separation because the sample was all water so it looked the same. Then we added some gas on the sample and it floated on top. Wes
  6. If you have a fuel separation problem the only solution is to drain the tank. A can of dry gas does the same thing as the ethanol in the tank. It absorbs water. So a 50 gallon tank with 10% ethanol has 5 gallons of ethanol. This can bond with water from the air or other sources. It will stay in solution until the concentration of water gets to high at which point you have separation. It sounds like this is what you have. So in theory you could get as much as 20% ethanol water mix. It would take 20 gallons of dry gas to take it back to solution. One thing you might look at is the vent for the gas tank. A buddy of mine had a vent on the side of his boat and it had flipped (should have been pointing aft) around and was sucking in the spray from the boat on plane. Like all these guys said filter /separator ,stable and if possible run none "E"gas if you leave the boat on the water for any length of time . The more gas you run through the boat the less apt you are to have this problem. Also remember that if you have carbs on the motor the water will stay in bowls until they are drained or the cows come which ever comes first. Good luck! Wes
  7. Copper liz strikes again. 6# 15oz laker. Good luck on the final day! Wes
  8. I should say spinny. Dodgers will work slower. I do not use many protrolls but they say they are more speed forgiving.We did two nice salmon and four lakers today! Slow day but we didn't get skunked. Hope Ben post a picture of the bigger salmon. Wes
  9. Rapid temp change can do that. Last week one of the guys I work with put his dock in on the north end of Cayuga with no waders on. He said the water was near 60F in the shallows. Wind changes direction and cold water comes crashing in and you have a die off. I saw one at Oswego when the lake rolled over,dead fish every place you looked. When we got back in the harbour it was full of warm water fish getting out of the cold. Wes
  10. I'm sorry to say I am out this year. I am starting a new job and will not be able to get the time off. I will be in for the derby! See you then and good luck! Wes
  11. The law states " Boats under21' " My boat is 20'6" so I wear mine but it just makes sense with the cold weather. I put mine on if the waves are over 4' even if it is in the summer months. One stumble and you can be in the drink. They do not have to do very many search and rescues on people that have fallen overboard wearing a pfd's! Wes
  12. We use Berkley lip gripper on the finger lakes. Boga grip style device which keeps the fish out of the net and off the floor of the boat. Nothing worse than a fish banging on the deck of the boat while you try to get the hook out. Livewells work great if surface water temp keeps a good supply of cold water. We tried many things to increase release rates and this works well. Slow steady retrieve, lip gripper on lower jaw(will not hold on upper jaw), lift fish,remove hook and release. We have taken lakers as deep as 180' and they go down like a rocket ship! If the fish is gill hooked and bleeding bad we box it. Studies show that these fish do not make it. A big salmon would be tough to handle but if you are catching small fish and want them to swim another day give this a try! Wes
  13. Peanut! Wes
  14. Alec you could have called me as well. That stinks about the truck. I had a brake line blow in Marathon during the Maple fest. Just so happened this women strolled right into Rt 11 without looking, I put the brake on and it went to the floor. I was pumping brake pedal and jumping on E-brake at the same time. I got it stopped in time but my heart was pounding. When that happens it's just good that we were going slow! Wes
  15. It did not say how big the boat was. The law is for boats under 21' I wear mine but I have seen many that do not.I asked about the rowing shells on Cayuga but was told they are over 21'. 45 minutes in ice cold water is a long time even if you have the pfd on!
  16. Great day on the lake. Always good to see the kids out. That is a nice looking boat you have! Wes
  17. Should get better with the warm weather and rain next week!Thanks for the report Aaron! Hope you have a safe season! Wes
  18. Sorry ! Hours. That is still good. It is a fact that fisherman can not type or spell.
  19. Love my 9.9 Honda. Charge system is twice my old kicker. It it uses half the gas the 2 cycle suzuki 9.9 got. I can troll 8 yrs. on a 3 gallon tank with my 20' Trophy. Wes
  20. I'll be waiting for the report! Got some things to fix on my boat and I will be out soon! Good luck Capt. Aaron
  21. Had a great time last year and plan to make this year as well! Wes
  22. I would guess that would not be legal to ship across state lines. Check with DEC to make sure it is O.K.
  23. If you are new to trolling or jigging on the finger lakes come down to this show. Between myself, Splitshot and Hermit we should be able to answer your questions. Many fly fishing boths as well. This event is for a good cause and I hope to see you on Saturday! Wes Foley
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