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Everything posted by jason

  1. Under a black light I seen stains from the night before activities in the parking lot.
  2. Why do you go for a hair cut when you get all hairs cut.
  3. Seneca lake as of today
  4. Call in and ask sue if you can buy a boat. But don't for forget to let us all know when your calling so we can have fun entertainment.
  5. Seneca a no go. All marinas are locked up
  6. So a deflated ball prevents you from being tackle? Who Cares! This competitive edge happens in every sport. Basketball teams use a softer ball against fastbreak teams Or a overflaTed againts a 3 pt shooting team. Baseball teams let the grass grow high and thick if they have a slow team or shorter if the have a fast team. If you guys are getting paid millions of dollars you guys would do the same things the pros are doing. anyone who said they wouldn't are lying. The bottom line is the Colts got schooled and beat like a redheaded step child. And I'm not a pro sports fan. To me they are just high paid entertainers.
  7. I replace all my super slim hooks with owners #2 short shank. Still works just as good as the long shank
  8. I run my setup just like rich d
  9. These weights are going fast
  10. Congratulations rollie
  11. There are times when I run 5 inlines on each side of the boat. But when I do, I coppers on 1 side and leadcore on the opposite. I know on seans boat we had 14 boards out. That was a fun day.
  12. Prices per weight 10lbers 45.00 12lbers 50.00 14lbers 55.00 16lbers 60.00 You can contact bikinibottom private messages or by cell rich. 607 346 4782.
  13. Here are the pictures of the custom down rigger weights that bikinibottom is selling. they come in weight sizes from 12lbs to 16lbs. Custom painted and storage box. I been running these weights for 2 yrs now and I love them they track straight and little drag.
  14. I know this works for me in the river
  15. I know my crews only kept a total of 20 salmon this yr. But the steelhead is a different story.
  16. www.lakevision.com has a couple good cameras.
  17. I'll give you double of your fuel cost that you paid for while the motor was out.
  18. Im sorry I thought the post said saltist now that I'm awake from not working 10 doubles in a row. The tekota 700 will fit 10 core just fine. The counter on saltist dig into you wrist and there a fast reel. Tekotas are slower and good drags. No line counter issues. Both reel are about the same price. I would prefer the saltist 50's over the 700 tekota.
  19. Your welcome. See on the lakes
  20. The 50's will hold 10 core. The line counters dig into your wrist when you reel in the fish. I use the 30's for dypsy. You can use them with mono as I plan on replacing my rigger reels with the 30's
  21. I'll shop field and streams. I like their prices and they have everything I use for fishing plus more. Box store or local shops I'm going to where the product is on hand.
  22. I do. You want the reels without line counters. They are a good reel for the price. Super fast and good drag.
  23. Dreamweaver black magics. Raspberry dolphins and moon cricket. Plus some flt spoons the I had paint up a certain way for me.
  24. Copper line
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