bake you salmon in salsa for 45 mins or until done. serve with progries and sour cream. mmmmm good
good job glad to see you are starting to catch fish, good luck in the future
good report, sounds like your starting to enjoy trolling. keep up the good work still plenty of good fishing to come as the lakers are starting to get ready to spwan.
i run a green and white grease trap. i been running a 30" lead behind the trap as i use a vibrator fly, to help give it action. you can run a small spoon, spin-an-glow and a peanut behind it. if you like lake trout action you should get one.
you guys will like the grease trap i been running it and catching fish on it. dont be afraid to put a stacker spoon 10' above the grease trap you will be suprise how many doubles you will get on.
seneca lake you can catch lakers off the break wall. useing bobbers and minnows.
if we get a good amount of rain by november the landlocks will starting running the finger lake creeks there a blast to catch.