Welcome aboard Bob! I am (along with MANY others on here) from Rochester as well. We got a great group of guys here and I am sure you will fit right in. If you haven't yet had a chance to view our 2009 slideshow - be sure to check it out!
So sit back, relax and make yourself at home Bob You are in good company!
Bob -
I agree. Jerry, Larry and I will be testing them out as well come 2010 season. A very interesting idea and great alternative to the real thing.
Here's a wishin' a happy birthday to my Dad who always had time to take his sons fishin'
So in my father's honor, I thought I might take a trip back down memory lane... ready?
My Father's first boat... after the hurricane came through... true story!
I'm sure many LOU members were familiar with this era... some even call it "the good ol' days"
A young Larry (wonder if he knew about the huge hole in his pants at the time picture was taken?)
Smokin' + Aviators + Salmon = PRETTY FREAKIN' COOL!
Glad pa let us tag along that day Nothing like hiking up the shorts as high as they can go and dropping a line
Here is to many more years on the water to come!
Exclusive discounts available to LOU members! Please visit above link for more information and thank you in advance for supporting our sponsors!
Welcome aboard Gord! We are really excited to have you aboard and will be posting more information about your exclusive LOU discount on Baitrix products soon
I also found this deal the other day if anyone is interested:
DAI-RIKI Fishing Tippet Material $0.25, Scientific Anglers Tippet (25 yds) $0.40, Redington Standard Tippet 30m $0.45, Grabber 10-hr Handwarmers (2-pk) $0.79
Ray, Tom's right - not a problem at all. Just don't post your credit card info in the forums or I might see the sales of all the LOU merchandise skyrocket pretty quickly...
I'll let you know when it runs out and then you can update your info then. Enjoy the new year everyone!
Nice fish Iceman! My brother happened to send me a picture of your 9.2lb fish.
I also heard you had some good solid ice (6"-8") out there. Probably a little less tomorrow but good luck to those that do get out.
Great news Rick! St. Mary's is a great place as both my cousin and grandmother were there for a while. Infact my cousin was there after a car accident with a tractor trailor in which his brain had swelled up to a point they need to do surgery on his head to let the swelling down. It was a scary time but we watched him go through a very similar situation as your father went through and he is doing great now. You father seems as if he is on a similar path to recovery and we hope to see him back out there on the water very soon. I know how scary this whole time of uncertainty can be....
By the way, was that you that I saw at the Dane Cook show at Blue Cross?
For those of you who are Pro Members, you can check out the wave forecast link in the left column under Fishing Resource Links - I do not ever recall having seen a forecast on Ontario calling for waves of 17 FEET! I wonder how well those turbines would hold up?