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Everything posted by ERABBIT

  1. ........ 5 a day in the lake now
  2. Yep they waited to long over here to lower it to 1 fish , they were stocking the same year ( I don't think they ever stocked Seneca before that with rainbows ) and not even the same strain that had done so well over the year. Well take care Wes and good fishing to you.
  3. I hear you Wes I just question the DEC and the biologist , why didn't they increase the # of lakers you can harvest like they did in Seneca and Keuka. I wonder which lake will lose the stocking of rainbow so they have more for Cayuga ? Is that what they told you if not enough rainbows go over the ladder they will decrease the lakers more and increase the rainbows again by that # ? Not bashing you Wes you understand how to get more rainbows up the ladder better than they seem to.
  4. If you like a good tuna fish sandwich , try some canned !!!!
  5. When my brother Stan was still alive , on a ten day trip in August we would look to package 10 a mix of Kings, cohos , bows or just Kings,,,,, then if anyone else in camp wanted any we would give them to them....... I would keep one or so and Stan about the same...... then we/he would go to relatives and friends with the rest some older ones that didn't fish at all but loved to see us come with them....
  6. I think they have to be cleaned and completely frozen. Here it is.... Fish Caught in New York StateNo more than two days' legal take of nonsalable fish may be transported unless a permit is obtained from a DEC Regional Office, or the fish are frozen, processed and packaged for storage.
  7. .......welcome back....
  8. Great report good job !!!!! What make you say that Wes when they still allow 5 rainbows in Cayuga and 3 in the Cayuga tribs and are mostly stocked fish ?
  9. 55 to 60 degree water = fish that depth have your deepest a few feet above , try and work that contour depth..... work your speed up some also , start where you want no hit and you have marks work the speed up , working a contour you will be making some hard turns and that helps also
  10. Down rigger = longer leads + a slider
  11. It just hard to get any better than this...... GREAT job Dad.........
  12. Thanks guys , lakes low still need more rain.......
  13. Yayaya Les ........ 2 for 2...... 20" fin clipped laker 85' down 12' off ball sliver glow dodger + peanut......13" brown 55' down FLT glow froggy spoon...... east side weeds here and there then a area that had what I called in ponds "duck weed"...... by the time I found some it was getting hot and hard to run back thru solo ( King was on strike)...
  14. Getting Kinger boy ready then heading down after coffee is done......
  15. You can leave the tail on one side , more action............
  16. Thanks Les , sounds like you did ok and gave him a idea what its like........
  17. How did you make out Les?
  18. Yep what he said...... do get em Les !!!!
  19. Have they been stocking Cayuga this time of year right along ? If so just forget what I have to say . In what I have seen here on Seneca with the landlocks , they were stocked in late to mid September 10" and 12" (about ) by late April , early May they were just shy of 15" with some in the 15" to 17" range ( no big weight ) . They may be thinking now by stocking early and with the 18" limit on Cayuga these fish will be at 18" by late April early May..... with the bait at its peak this time of year may be a very good idea....... the only drawback I see is if we (fisher people ) stay on the small guys because they are so easy to catch and numbers of fish boated mean more,,,, I've been there , this site helped me or educated me to know better now.......
  20. Nice ,,,,,
  21. Sometimes in the winter they put them on sale , I bought a three year one the last time.
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