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December 4, 2006
Last visited
October 10, 2024
Everything posted by ERABBIT
If you don't plan on eating them right away good way to freeze , most times for me at least 1 hour in mix is good , over night is the best
Sorry took so long to get back to you....
It was Walmart or Tops not sure , make a nice thin coating......got the LL and the rainbow soaking in milk mixture sounds like fish fry for dinner.....
Got out on the water with Carols brother Bill yesterday.....hot but we got a few......small landlock with 12" lamprey on it , 20" rainbow with lamprey scar , 3 more hits but lost , nice to get out on the water with Bill.......
you want a very good laker to eat follow Rays info above' pick the dark and orange tip fin ones , remove skin , all bones , all grey fat , as much of the lateral line as you can , soak in egg+milk+paprika over night ,,, cut into chucks , dip in batter , deep fry.....
Smoke the big ones , add some real maple syrup just before done.....
Not now , LOL . he was a good fish fry......i gave half the brown away , i deep fried the rest yesterday , I cleaned up the pieces remove ALL bones , then put them in milk , paprika , for a day and then in freezer , took them out yesterday , put
the best tasting deep fry I've had , some cocktail sauce on the side !!!!!!!
Well Les I guess that brown would have made someone very happy , in the derby
Sweet . congrats to you and crew
Lunch , 10" red ear sunfish...
Not in it again this year , so in the box.....LOL
We been out fishing 4 times never moved a rod till today while I was fishing solo. 1 for 4 lost two off inline boards , got a eyeball off rigger. I landed a 8.75# brown sorry but I boxed it......some old lamprey wounds on her.....
Thanks guys , hope we ALL have a great season
I finally put boat in lift today !!!!!!
Ok . Nick . thanks . have same color as in you pictures plus colors that I have peanuts in that work off a dodger...
How fast you running you cowbells ? I don't have any luck with his rigs
spring sucker , nice cuts
Camp open , boat here , almost ready for 1st trip of 2018 . just renewed fishing license...... good luck to everyone and have fun.....
It took Pa awhile to stop farming and live trap , they took a big flock off the family farm one year we had to hunt them else where that year but came back fast. The research the fish commission has done down here could help with where did the Atlantic go that was stock in keuka lake. They had that problem down here years ago in creek east of Wysox , the put a GPS chip in some and tracked them down the stream , into the river and on there way south
When did you quit that job ?
What IF , the DEC had a place we/use could buy hats and coats , get a buddy or two and just stand around and look , at people fishing