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Everything posted by ERABBIT

  1. Need two , or if someone makes another brand with cleats that works in a berts trax system...... Just got them thru : Big Papa LLC , bigpapasportfishing.
  2. Carol brother usto get them some where in Buffalo every year back in 97...... he got a hat of the guy one year and we would see who got the first fish of the year and they would be the keeper of the hat .........LOL.... I'll have to take a look and see what I have..... I know a few are still in his wrapper never saw water yet..... that is a chunky bow....
  3. Three lakers today 2 were fin-clipped..... I targeted lakers today the old way ( well my old way ) just to see more rods going off , don't like the extra stuff ( diver+dodger ) but it was more fun than washing lures all-day...... If I had stayed with spoon like I like to do and stayed out of the cold laker water we would have had 3 or 4 hits total......
  4. WTG Les............Quick Strike , I have some of those good lure..... lot less $$$$ than the suttons
  5. Ran across and north Nick , wasn't bad till wind shifted from the north then I had to shorten up the area we were working ...... saw two large floating weed pods.... so they are HERE now..... went over to the east side for a short troll in one area before we went in for the day ..... kind of the same thing but down temp was not the same..... 55* 30' .....
  6. Hoot got up late but we had a good morning boxed 3 lakers , a bow and a landlock , put two landlocks back and a bow ..... lost a good laker at the boat and about 8 or so other quick release deals........... 51' rigger with a cheater was good , nothing on three color core........ 41' rigger , a wire rod with deep-six down the chute , with a old dodger peanut 150' , 160 ' and 180' of wire out took and lost a lot of fish......
  7. That's a Nick trick..... ..... JK...... we did OK and we had a LOT of dropsy's ....
  8. I'm ready to go now Nick , but Hoot just got up..... think I'm going across and north from there.........good luck....
  9. It's always great to get out Joe.... I'm in the same boat..... good luck on Cayuga........... making coffee now will be heading down it a bit
  10. ..... you shouldn't have to go too far Nick , I could see the Glen at the end of my troll today maybe 6 miles or so ..... but the weeds were bad in that section also...... the middle may be open ( clear of crap ) not sure about fish out there yet... good luck
  11. ...been slow for me the whole year , got the trollmaster installed and things are getting better.... Seneca likes to put manners on me , had my best year ever last year .....
  12. Yea , yea Les I hear ya.........
  13. Thanks Mike , these weeds were OLD rotten ,,,, not thick just stringers ..... some times you could just shake the rigger rod and they would break off ..... but inlines would build up..... still other junk out there also so pays to keep an eye wide open for that stuff....
  14. I would guess west side above Long Point would be good to go without a lot of crap ...... I may check that out in the am but a lot of fish and bait on the west side...... that north wind fans out the father south you go pushing that crap in on the west side..... and the same on the east side I'm sure.......... Good Luck with the Kids , but hey it's always GREAT to fish with family !!!!..... my youngest is 45........... SHUT UP LES.......
  15. That rat-fink Kinger would not get out from under the Bimini top and do his job...... Hoot was P.O. at him ..........
  16. Chicken feed is not just for lakers.....LOL..... alpha alwife UV for the LL.....
  17. Thanks got your PM hope to see you back here on Seneca.....
  18. I'm back , 2 for 3 ...... 16" landlock , 4.5# bow...... water is different ..... weeds (floating ) are every where both sides never went above Lodi point on either side.... ....north wind .....60* top east side mid lake ...... laker temp 30' down ,( X-4 ) ......... west side a tad south of mid lake - 63* top ----- 60* 30' down ..... laker temp 45' down ...... after a pass thru area where landlock was picked up turned and went south....... father south the more the lake was setting up---- picked up LL 14' down a few miles south of mid lake west side.... bow came a lot father south 51' down....... 20 to 30 feet had small bait pods east side ..... west side had more bait 45' to 65' looks good ...... Now being it was such a lack luster outing I guess I just should have not taken the time to posts...... most every thing I have put on here may change the wind is still out of the north when we came in and it was lumpy... .. LOVE the new ride.....
  19. Les you may get away with some McCoy mean green in 25# think your 20# will load up with any type sea-flea , my 30# Andre loads up when the fish-hook fleas show up..... so I have 30# FF ready to go on three back-up reels.........
  20. Ice in cooler , coffee ready , Kingers ready , just need to uncover boat and give Hoot a shout and off to the lake.............
  21. Ray I'll have a open seat next week , if you want to join me......
  22. Loved it !!!!!
  23. Any reason you have not posted any fishing reports , or have I just not looked in the right spot ?
  24. disconnect from motor , move motor by hand ( hard to move ? should be very easy ), then try steering if it still stiff you may as well get ready to replace....... temp fix is to remove it from the tube tru motor ( use a brush too clean and a light lube on the inside of that ) put a rubber hose over the cable , load up with a solvent , move the steering wheel to full in each direction a number of times , then let the junk drain out and repeat..... I have also added some air pressure to the hose forcing in up in farther but it's a pain to do that alone........ this will only help for a while you will still need at some time to replace it.
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