My derby story
First congrats to all of you that got on the leaderboard and WTG great job to those that were still there at the end. To everyone else hope you all had some great times and memories like I have.
Ok here we go, fished with Hoot on Friday looking for a plan for the start on Saturday. With all the junk in the water I kept it simple two riggers with spoons. I one hit and landed a 21†4# rainbow 1st fish of the year so it went in the box. That was it for Friday and a mirror of things to come. Saturday up and on the water before 6 am Lodi area was boat-less so we worked the point area for three passes before heading north. We had one hit that Hoot got a piece of and that was pretty much it for the day. Sunday start time about the same worked the east side to about 5 or 6 miles north of Samson never moved a rod. Boat was great to fish out of never sat down so much in 4 days of fishing , take blood pressure meds now and the top is just fantastic keep sun off me , also put the canvas above the windshield on keeping the dash area dry and keeping the cold air out in the am……. When I ran back to Lodi it took less than 25 minutes to make the trip. Monday same start time and we worked south then ran across and trolled north to just above the showboat. Picked up one small landlock we put back. Ran a larger spread today also put one of my older downriggers on to see if these new fancy-dancey Ion-control was chasing the fish away. All in all the boat ran great , some issues to work out yet with the wiring. I had them put in a fuse system that I could flip a switch to turn power off , on the riggers and with circuit breakers. They work fine 25’ or less deeper than that and they trip the breaker. I don’t know what my problem is , will be working it out over the next few weeks. Hoot swore up and down that he didn't have a banana with him any of those days and he didn't eat one for at least week before.