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Everything posted by ERABBIT

  1. This may help....... viewtopic.php?f=2&t=26329
  2. ....dodgers............
  3. ...... did you drain your lower unit oil and change it last fall ????........if so hopefuly you just have some worn gears or spacers.....I would get someone like Hank to check it out for me for sure !!!!........I had this type of problem when I bought my boat years ago and thought it just went ingear hard then one day clang-bang lower unit gears tore up beyond repair........
  4. Nope not yet !!!
  5. I just sent them two e-mails will post if I get a answer back !!!!!!
  6. I don't know for sure , just that he called it adirondack andlock samon. If Musky Bob see's this post and he is the man who put togather the style of cooking or cookbook it would be from him...................just sying don't know for sure just that that guy was a cook also at one time !!!!!
  7. I been coating my m. stinger's with a clear coat so far the last some what longer.......I also have pick up a lot of DW super slims ran one last year "steelie stoper " I think it was called last in the season that worked real well................. Iron Duke I'll also be waiting for you report.
  8. Looks like 4 of them here !!! http://compare.ebay.com/like/3207778447 ... s&var=sbar
  9. WTG Cuz , just saying if you did the brown-sugar deal that I told you about I got that from the Lodi-Park guy he called it his adirondack landlock samon on the grill !!!!! Not to take any thing away from M.Bob he's has some great recipes on here !!!!
  10. IMHO you maybe reading too much "bad" into that post. I bought two 788ci and ran them this year. When the transducer worked it was a great unit. Then it started getting weaker and I sent it back in and they replaced it no charge. That said the 788ci made in 2010 had a bad batch of transducers that were never called back just sold that way and let the buyer but up with it and replace it. I think your unit has the Quad Beam with it and you should be fine...................my need some fine tuning/learning how to set the setting up. YankeeTroller help me out getting mine set don't waste your time with HB IT guys they are ******* .......


    I feel your pain on that transducer with the 788ci went thru that with them last spring , luckly I had bought a Humminbird® Transom QuadraBeam Transducer Model XNT 9 QB 90 T and put that on as aback-up. That worked great , got it thru Calea's for $74.99+shipping.
  12. Yep !!!! Nice report.
  13. Maybe here ....... http://store.scottsbt.com/PennParts/Conventional.aspx
  14. Happy Birthday Tom.....
  15. Then they had to do it again !!!!! This year ...... http://www.epa.gov/oppt/chemtest/pubs/T ... -02-14.pdf
  16. Talk about being almost right but way wrong at the same time........must be getting OLD mind is fading
  17. They are two differnt strains of the same fish now the way I researched it some time back. Started as Atlantics that got landlocked by man and kept reproducing long enought that they are a new/ own strain now.
  18. If your steering is that hard you may have another problem and putting a AP will not solve it. It sounds like your cable needs to be cleaned/replaced. I would disconect it from the motor and if it still steers HARD time to replace it......
  19. Worst for losing paint MICHIGAN STINGER !!!!!! I've been putting my own clear coat on , started last year seem to work just as well and hold up MUCH longer.....
  20. 1988 startcraft cc..... Lots of room up front but a WET ride........great fishing boat !!!!!
  21. I fish alone a lot no A/P so some times all I can get down is two , but the times last year I did put three in it helpped me out a lot.........if nothing more than being able to change out one before pulling up one.................. other times even with one or two guys in the boat I still ran a solid three rod spread BUT if things were tuff I could keep dropping in more to find the "hot" rig.............. .........that was on the finger lakes now when I hit L.O. I ran 5 most times with just two of us on the boat....three riggers two wire divers.....
  22. That shot KILLS me thanks for sharing !!!!!
  23. Thanks for the picture story Bucky. Jason thanks for the phone call and post ment alot. Thanks Ray , Stan got a kick out of meeting you up at Catfishcreek. poverty stricken II ,treerat and Bobber thanks. Ed
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