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  1. 10AM - 4PM in the south end of the harbor today. 38 degree water, about 2 ft of visibility. Decent bait, lots of walleye-sized hooks, a couple big hooks. Saw nothing caught.
  2. Nice job! I was there for the first time today and managed only one decent LL and a whole bunch of little buggers! Released them all safely, but was disappointed at our lack of success finding some larger fish. We fished sticks, spoons, and flies 35 feet to 90 feet down, mostly oranges and greens, from 1.8 to 2.4 mph down speed, over 90 to 150 FOW. Hit both the west and east shore, but the screen looked a little better on the east side, so we put most of our effort there, from the south end up to Hector Falls. Any recommendations for fine-tuning our approach for the next time? Thx, Mark
  3. Docks on the west side are not in as of about 1:30 PM today.
  4. Chromeslayer, you have a PM. Thx!
  5. Thank you very much! This is truly helpful. Mark
  6. Has anybody imported a boat/motor/trailer from Canada to the US? The rig I'm considering is US made (tho I'm not sure about the trailer) and worth about $10k US. Is a customs broker required? Do you know a good one? Any experience or referrals to other information sources appreciated. Thanks!
  7. A 1984 OMC does not have a voltage regulator, only a rectifier. Therefore 16-17 volts is expected with a fully charged battery and normally operating charging system. Borderline 350 is correct that this voltage will "boil" a wet cell battery, so keep a close eye on the fluid level of the battery. Having no voltage regulation is a bit of a cheesy design, but it's reliable and only requires that you do the battery maintenance. My boat batteries typically have lasted 5-7 seasons with a similar setup. You could look for and connect an external regulator, but more connections and another device could actually reduce the overall reliability of the system. I haven't done that, and probably neither have thousands (millions?) of other outboard owners. Mark
  8. Please excuse this if it sounds preachy (I don't mean it to - just hoping that it keeps one or more of us safer...) With a south wind, one mechanical failure can put you far from shore in a hurry. Carry a good anchor and plenty of line, and a handheld VHF. Mark
  9. Green Harbor is a campround and tiny creek about 5 miles west of Oak Orchard. We took fish both on the boards and on the riggers. By Friday things will have changed, so you'll be starting pretty much with a clean slate. Look for the right color water, and pockets of warmer water, and go from there. Mark
  10. A lot of brown water today, out to 20 - 25 fow in most places, though it got better as the day went on. Found some decent water in 10 - 12 feet near Green Harbor, and went 9 for 10 on Browns. The hot ticket was sticks in silver and black, or silver and olive, size 11 and up. Only two of the 9 came on GFR, even in the dirty water. Nothing doing on very small baits (8s and 9s). Hope it helps someone!
  11. Fleaflicker, I left you a PM.
  12. Thanks!
  13. Not asking for any secrets, but can you save me some time by suggesting whether to explore the east shore or west shore (or right smack at the south end) in 120 fow? Thx for the already great info. Mark
  14. Thanks guys. I ran to Home Depot on lunch and picked up a roll of the tape. They even had two varieties of it, one labeled "medium duty" and the other which appeared thicker, more flexible, and had a peel-off backing. I opted for the thicker one. Thx again! Mark Greyhaven
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