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Everything posted by LongLine

  1. Just got the note: DEC collected 2.4 million eggs from 510 female Kings and 787,000 eggs from 247 Cohos at SR this year.
  2. Get ahold of Hank (L&M, moderator on this board) Port Bay. Highly recommended for anything boat related.
  3. Please refresh my memory...Has the DEC ever had a shortfall in obtaining eggs due to insufficient numbers of returning fish? (DEC has already changed the stocking strategy in last few years to protect the broodstock there.) If so: (1) Other game fish such as Bass, Pike & Lakers have closed seasons so they can spawn. That river season could be closed for 7-10 days. Other places around the lake would probably love a weeks' worth of additional business during those 7-10 days. or (2) Fire up the Seth Greene & landing barge to net them off the mouth. If not, then it's moot. As to violators during this time of year: (1) Why can't DEC contract local/off duty officers or law enforcement depts to catch snaggers & the over limit catches for a couple week period? Law officer contractors wouldn't have to know all the conservation laws, just the basics like all of us. A one-day class would probably be sufficient training for it. They already know the police/people part of the job. Most of them are fishermen and/or hunters anyways. and (2) Give the fines to the community that catches them, just like speeding tickets & registrations go to the locality? Maybe put a surcharge on them like vehicle violations. After all it is in the local community's best interest to protect the fishery, especially Pulaski. (Vehicular "speed traps" love this part as it's a good revenue raiser)
  4. I pull mine out of boat when putting it up for winter and store it inside house next to side door, in the battery case which I know is dry. I found out years ago that if you store it in damp basement on concrete (even if on wood) it'll discharge itself pretty quick.
  5. Had a big nest up in the peakof my house. 1st thought was just get the big ladder out, spray it, knock it down. 2nd thought was what if the buggers come after me & I fall off ladder. (20 ft in air) I called an exterminator. 1/2 of an hour after he sprayed it, he swept up over 200 dead ones in the driveway with a couple still buzzing around the peak. They haven't been back.
  6. Gorge is pretty this time of year & worth the slow cruise.
  7. They track great. I've used one on my 2nd rigger for years.
  8. Definitely a Shad. Years ago, I caught a Northern Pike at Port Bay that had over 20 of them in him.
  9. So how many laws does NYS have? Which are regulations? Ordinances? Not even going to guess at the Federal laws or treaties. (Not to mention daily changes) Even though some people seem to think they know everything, I find that highly doubtful.
  10. Historically, native-Americans /indigenous people have been more conservation minded than any other "group" of people.
  11. Many modern electronics have programable memories that are not hard written and require a few milliamps to maintain the program. I'd turn everything off in the boat and test the circuit with a voltmeter/ampmeter.
  12. Switches to turn things on/off, as well as fuses should always be on the hot side of the unit being turned on/off. i.e. red. (If I read your question correctly)
  13. Sherman - exactly!
  14. I've been changing trebles to singles for close to 50 yrs. I use 3/0 Gammys on 28 size spoons. Point the hook towards the cup side of the spoon. I've found the get a much more solid hookup; are easier to sharpen; don't get caught in net; are easier to remove from carpet flooring as well as easier to remove from fingers. (heh, heh, heh)
  15. There's a plate between the exhaust manifold and the water jacket. Exhaust on one side, water on the other. If that plate wears thin or develops pin holes due to ethanol gas or additives that cause acidic exhaust, then the outflow of water will get hot. You'll inadvertantly burn some water while running and eventually cook your motor. (Been there, done that) Modern engines use a coated/treated plate that resists acidic exhaust.
  16. S.B. - Funny thing is that just the week before, it ran perfectly. I learned from my Dad, back in the late 50's to always check the outflow when ever I start a motor, which I've done religiously ever since. I've never had this happen before. Impeller was in great shape.
  17. My 75 stopped peeing a month ago or so. Not having the umph to pull the lower unit, took to Hank down at Port Bay. He changed impeller for me but found the outlet tube plugged up. He said it smelled "like pine" and fished it out with wire. Never heard of it before but possible bug slime.
  18. Too bad Roch 1st didn't read the press release. They're going to keep the water level UP.
  19. A plug very similar to a J-plug.
  20. Day after a cold front...Perfectly clear sky...wind from the east, fishing is least... BULL FEATHERS! Launched solo at the river at 6. Took a left toward the ponds. Put in at 80 FOW. Lots (and I mean lots) of bait suspended in 93-95FOW. Worked about 90 to about 130FOW. Thinking there is a pretty good upwelling in the making this morning. At 2 3/4 downspeed (2.7 GPS) speed with 75 ft of cable out in 110FOW had 54F down but at same speed & cable out in 85 had 42F. Anyways, 3 shakers and 2 respectable. (14 & 22 Lbs) All on mupped rigger down 55, running purple spooks. All above temp & hitting freeking hard! (even the little ones made the reels take off) Bigger one wasn't all that long, but I don't think I've ever seen such a fatty! Thinking she was sniffing the creeks & ready to make the run real soon. Smaller one was still silver but just beginning to show brown towards the tail. Bigger one had a lampry mark, others all clean. I don't think the bigger one survived, even though I tried to resusitate it, as she had lost a bit of blood. All the others flipped me off and swam away. Off at 10:30 as the wind was picking up. Luck to all. Tom B. (LongLine)
  21. So I read that, that the "0" in front of the "A" isn't used in serial lookups. And the A752171 is the same as the 9549689 (Belgium) and C100000. (Does motor look like this?)
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