I also did mine online through Boat US. The Total cost was $13 to get the new license with the anchor sent to me. You can do it at your leisure and at your own pace.
There are many, many more people on the water that don't have anywhere near 50 years on the water like we do. I've seen enough people do stupid and dangerous things on the water. If this is what it takes to be sure everyone has the basic knowledge of the laws and rules, I don't mind taking a few hours out of my time. I took my first boating course when I was about 11 years old. I took my second 15 years ago with my daughter and again last week. The course is free through Boat US. Then just a few bucks to get a certification card.
I was interested in putting the same unit in my boat but now I'm not sure about the 10 inches behind the wheel. The boat is in storage now so I can't check. I have a 1997 Penn Yan 225 outrage. Has anyone used the octopus in that model boat? Or have any idea if it will fit?
Thanks for the replies. My brother also winters in Naples. We've also fished inland waters, Gordons pass and the channel by Keewaydin island to Marco Island. We've kind of been learning as we go. I thought we could learn a lot with a charter and try a little more fishing in the gulf.
I may be heading to Naples Fl in mid-March and was wondering if anyone could recommend a good fishing charter. I'm not sure what's the best species to target that time of year so I'm open to in-shore or off-shore. Any ideas What species should we target?
Thanks for the replies. I couldn't find a kit local so I ordered a 100-hour kit.
The oil and gear oil seems to be much harder to find than Mercruiser products. Is there any reason I couldn't just use Mercruiser products in a Yamaha?
I'm getting ready to winterize my "new to me" 1997 Yamaha 9.9 high thrust kicker. What is the recommended oil and gear lube for this motor? Not sure what was used before. whether it was synthetic, synthetic blend, or regular oil.
Wondering what to use for anti-freeze to winterize my 4.3 Mercruiser. I noticed the Prestone pink waterline anti-freeze says:
Not to be used in gas or diesel engines as winterizing fluid or antifreeze+coolant
Brand new, never mounted Seastar Throttle control. It was going to be used on the boat I bought but decided not to.
$200. plus shipping if needed.
Located in Penfield NY
Please message me with any interest.
I want to try Power Pro on one of my downriggers. Should I back the spool with something? I have 450 feet of 150lb Power Pro. It seems like being so much thinner than stainless cable it would throw off the depth counter. Any thoughts from someone that has used it would be appreciated
Weekends on Irondequoit Bay are always an accident looking for a place to happen. Online license courses are way too easy to just breeze through without learning anything. I'm not big on government regulations but I am for boat operators knowing the rules.