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Just Fishin'

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Everything posted by Just Fishin'

  1. Anthony, be sure IPD does a report also. From what I hear, there has been a stepped up effort to monitor Pawnshops and 2nd hand shops in Monroe County. Unique items, like fishing equip. tend to get discovered more easily.
  2. Anthony, sorry to hear about the thefts. That sucks. Something we all worry about and pray never happens to us. Hope it wasnt too bad.
  3. Unfortunately, I read it and it is truly scary how uninformed people are. We also cannot underestimate the number of people who rarely ever utilize Lake Ontario despite living so close and as a result blindly support the project becasue it makes them feel "green". We are definiltely fighting an uphill battle all the way, as the downstate Democratic controlled State Govt. could care less about upstate voters, especially us tire kickin farmers in western NY (as we are perceived). In my opinion, the best we can do to try and stop this travesty is to attack it from an environmental standpoint. Use the environmental laws to our advantage and expose the reality that digging up the lake bottom may cause significant damage to the drinking water and ecosystem. Those same laws that prevent us from building docks, dredging, etc. could be used to stall this thing until the technology flaws are exposed. Just one persons opinion.
  4. I am glad to say that Irondequoit just passed it's resolution opposing the wind turbines, now mirroring previous decisions by Greece and Webster. While of limited impact, and advisory only, it is on record and makes it one more entity in opposition. I would like to thank Mr. Begy of the charter association for being present and speaking in opposition on behalf of his association and professional fisherman. I must say, I was VERY impressed by the citizens who spoke up, knew their facts and were so passionate in opposition. There was a very nice compliment of people opposing it for numerous reasons including economic, scientific, environmental, scenic and recreation to name just a few. Of particular interest was a person who played back part of last nights governatorial debate where Cuomo extols upstate NY for developing wind energy for the benefit of downstate!
  5. Thanks, I will certainly check out the website. Also, I had the chance to review the last Irondequoit Town Board meeting and ascertain where they are coming from. Supervisor D'Aurizio was armed with quite a few facts that support opposition to the towers and was clearly against them. Councilwoman Essley was also in support of the resolution opposing them. Councilpersons Aldersley and Perticone were in favor of hearing more from the public before voting on the resolution, which is why the matter was tabled until tomorrow night for public input and why we need a good turnout in opposition. It sounded as though there were people in the audience that were in favor of the windmills that need to see and hear our opposition. Again, we are well aware that this opinion is only advisory, but it is still important to be heard and be on record with as many levels of government in opposition as possible.
  6. Rabhunt, I share your concerns. The "official" town position on these things is only advisory and has no real affect. The decision on these damn menaces will be made at a much higher level than the town level. I too am very worried. This same fight went on for years in Nantucket Sound and all the money spent and effort to stop them has not stopped them, yet. However, we want to be on record every step of the way opposing them so that way down the road nobody can say "when there was a public meeting in Irondequoit nobody came in opposition." Sadly, we live in a goofy age where you are anti environment if you oppose anything that is perceived as "green." Without rehashing all the cons, these things are of limitied value at great cost. We may ultimately lose the fight, but not without opposition and a chance to be heard.
  7. Never been to a meeting live, just watched them on TV. I am pretty sure Irondequoit does require you to sign up upon arrival if you wish to speak during the input session. There is no residency requirement to speak, all are welcome and encouraged to.
  8. Yes, Irondequoit Town Hall, 1280 Titus Avenue. On the corner of Titus Avenu and Kings Highway North. Board meets on the first floor.
  9. On October 19th at 7:00 pm the Irondequoit Town Board will again be discussing the wind turbine issue at their monthly meeting. I have personally spoken with members of the Board and they were very receptive to our concerns and were hopeful that they would hear from many of us at the next meeting. Please, let's try to have a good turnout for this meeting.
  10. I bought just the X4 for my older unit and all you have to do is hang it on the cable. Love it. Great improvement, never lose signal and battery lasted all season.
  11. Not sure where to post this... Fished out of Hyannis, MA yesterday and had a blast. Had a great time with an old friend on board and one of my Lake Ontario buddies. Doubled up with twin 25 lb. fish in the first 5 mins of fishing! Captain really put some miles on playing the tides and keeping us on the fish. Beautiful day on the water that ended with the attached catch and a whole lot more returned to the sea. We were putting back 30 lb stripers and some monster blues as the day went on. I attached a link to a picture of our fish from the Captain's website. Anybody ever looking for a charter out that way I highly recommend Ron. Aside from the fishing success, he was a real nice guy too. I don't take a single fish out of LO because I do not enjoy eating them. Stripers and blues are another story.... Very thankful for my most exciting year of fishing yet. Lots of Lake O, Red Fish in Myrtle Beach in the Spring, an Alaska trip in June and ended the year with this trip. The bug seems to be getting worse.... http://www.straycatfishing.com/catch.html
  12. My apologies, I was thinking your problem was with the line retriever donut (if you have that accessory) that goes around the cable to pull the ball cloer to the boat! (That is what happens when I try to work and watch the board) Thanks for clarifying with the photos. I am afraid I have nothing to offer. The ends on my riggers swivel based upon the amount of angle in the cable as they are trolled. Upon uptake the cable rides smoothly and does not do any damage. I have not had any significant damage to the pulley although one time it did pull off the pulley and chew it up a little. I would give Scotty a call and run it by them. I wonder if your pulley is not pivotting properly?
  13. Are you only having problems with one rigger? Not sure I understand what you mean by eyelet?
  14. I run mine out to the side as well. While trolling I always pull the tether up so the cuff is riding just below the boom and leave no pressure on the cable. When I raise the cable it just slides through the ring without getting caught. The most resistance I ever see is the ring will ride up, hit the boom end and drop right back down to the water a few times as the cable is raised.
  15. Nick, you might have some bad wire because I have been running my Scotty's for 5+ years and there is absolutely no evidence of wear on the pulleys. I think it is a wire problem that is damaging the pulleys also. Will be interesting to hear if anyone else has had this problem.
  16. I own a Wellcraft, but would be interested in trading wives? (sorry, couldn't pass this one up)
  17. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name: Just Fishin ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s): 7/24 Time on Water: 7-10:30 Weather/Temp: Muggy-80s Wind Speed/Direction: SW/W Waves: less than 2 Surface Temp: Location: LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: 7 Total Boated:4 Species Breakdown: 3 chinook and 1 coho Hot Lure: Trolling Speed: Down Speed: 2.8 Boat Depth: 250-310 Lure Depth: ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS Fished 3-6 miles east of the Oak in 250-310. Good break down 80-90 feet. 23lb king was best in boat but had the best screamer I have ever had. Wire dipsey out 250 with a purple spin doctor/purple fly. It was going to spool me and rookie driver didn't get us turned around quick enough so I had to tighten drag a little and lost it. Clip BROKE from the barrel! This was a brute. Back out tomorrow. (love when the wife and kids go out of town!) Took 2 fish and a hit on....the old Baby Shower. Haven't run those in ages and just had a hunch. Back in the late 90s early 2000's that was a go to lure for a couple years. Heard some guys doing well in same range but a little deeper so we may have been running a bit too high for the real action. ====================
  18. Just got back from Kenai Peninsula 3 weeks ago. Took a 5 day fishing class at the Kenai Peninsula College and stayed for 8. Like Anthony and others said, "when" you are going is the real issue. On the Cook inlet in the summer you will always catch halibut, but for the full Alaska trip you also wanna catch a chinook run on the middle Kenai in June and/or July and fish the upper Kenai for gorgeous rainbows on fly or light tackle. Fished 5 different ways up there in a week and every guide said July was the best time to be there, all things considered, except crowds are the worst. Anchor Point, Deep Creek or Homer are all safe bets for Halibut. Feel free to PM me if you wish and I can give you some places that I would stay at when I go back up there and the rundown on guides we used and liked. Mine was a trip of a lifetime and I hope you enjoy yours as much or more.
  19. Sometimes, the only way I CATCH is to use stones!
  20. Anthony, sadly, on my boat I do the math this way..."7 am= 1 fish, 8 am=2 fish caught, 9 am= 3 fish caught." (and that is a great day) Glad to hear things are going so well out there that a counter is a necessary tool.
  21. Bought the x4 as an upgrade and LOVE it. A year ago I would have said to buy something else. This is the best upgrade to any product I have ever used, it is that good. Just attach on the cable and use like old unit. Always reads, no lost signal in 20+ trips so far.
  22. Great fish, Anthony! Sounds like a blast. Way to go.
  23. The welds under my bunks have corroded and broken. Also need new bunk boards. Anybody know someone doing this type of repair work in Rochester area? Called Brad's and was advised "we dont do bunks".
  24. Great job, thanks for sharing.
  25. WOW! You have the fishing fever bad, Rod. Bet you and your son had fun making that and will talk about it for years.
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