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Just Fishin'

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Everything posted by Just Fishin'

  1. Damn, how could one post ruin my day so much? What a gorgeous boat! Somebody is going to be very, very happy with this purchase. (Just wish it could be me)
  2. Damn, looks like the Border Patrol boat!
  3. Mark, I know you are new to the board so you probably don't know this yet, but the whole southern shore is in a derby right now and this board really quiets down (unfortunately) because of it. I doubt you will get too much of a response until after the derby is over. Nothing like a little competition to get people's competitive juices flowing.
  4. Good to laugh about it- trip will be a great memory. As for the expense....we are always spending money on something fishing related- you were going to spend it asnyways!
  5. Chris, Anthony has volunteered to catch all the fish you usually bring in. Isn't that nice of him?
  6. Spent a lot of time on that island as a kid chasing the girls that came from all over the world for the sailing camps. Ah, the memories....
  7. I did, with help from a much handier brother. It took us about 7 hours, a lot of measuring to be sure before cutting. Any reasonably handy person can do it.
  8. Looking for 3 of the Scotty 6" Downrigger Pedestal Risers. Anyone have them for sale?
  9. I bought an Atlantic Tower and was very happy with product and support from staff . Worth the money.
  10. Nice job Anthony. I have been sidelined since May getting my boat up here and getting it outfitted so I am dieing to get out. Going out Friday A.M. and can't wait.
  11. One of my favorite boating moments was a few years ago when the air show was in town. Fishing solo, no other boats around, out about 8 miles when a Stealth Bomber came straight overhead, looped around, came back in so low I thought I could touch him and he tipped his wings as he flew directly over! What a sight (and sound a few seconds later) Only thing to ever come close was having a nuclear sub porpoise 100 yds behind my boat in Long Island Sound off New London, CT.
  12. Nice looking fish! I have been sidelined as well with engine issues and carbs being rebuilt. Now that the fish have really showed up it is starting to kill me.
  13. No problems at all. Very steady reads and seems to be very well made.
  14. Must have been a nice day out there. Was a tough day to be at work. I have gone through the frustration of no hits on the diver/fly set up, even when others around me were getting hits. I stuck with it, messed with leader lengths from 23" all the way to 32" and eventually went back to 23". I now have those days where that setup is the best set up and I have no explanation for what I do different now. Just commit to it. I always have my 2 divers out and some days they sleep and some they rock.
  15. Sounds like a fun project. Keep us informed with reports and photo's if you have a chance.
  16. Thanks for the info, and more importantly, thanks for being a longtime steward for the fishery we all enjoy.
  17. Wow, that came out really nice.
  18. Just taking a shot- looking to buy 2 Big Jon Triple Tree Rodholders...anybody have a pair they are looking to sell?
  19. We caught 2 kings on Saturday right on the high side of the dropoff outside the red can, both on purple flasher and purple fly. Was nice after two half days of fishing with only a little to show for it. They came on wire Dipseys out 140. One was 18lbs. Good coho action on a purple/silver lure out 200 on the copper line also. I agree with A-Lure-A, this week is going to be smoking at the bar. Darn derby seems to be a week too early more often than not!
  20. Nice report and thanks for the safety tip, too. Really struggling with the decision to stay in Rochester and brownie fish or head to Wilson for the 2nd half of the week......every report helps. Thanks.
  21. Glad you got your season started Anthony. I have done the "forgot the net" thing once too, makes for an interesting day. Hope you have a great 2011 season.
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