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Everything posted by shorething

  1. 2 were 3-5 lbs ,1 6-8 , biggest was 10 or so.
  2. Just got back from a local pier, after a few hours throwing some spoons. Lucky enough to get 4 nice browns ,absolutley loaded with alewives, by the way. Saw something floating out in the lake -A long ways off. Figured it was a log bobbing along ,but it's going the wrong way ,against the wind. Keeps getting closer and closer. Turns out its a deer! swam up on shore ,sat there for a bit [Pant, pant] Finally got up and wandered off. When I first saw it the thing had to be at least 1/2 mile off shore. lucky day for the doe, Iwould say!
  3. West on RT. 18 or maybe the parkway to rt 18.
  4. Got a few browns this morning. My nephews been bugging me to bring him some to eat. Kept 2 ,they were both stuffed full of those gobies. Not just afew, I mean stuffed with the things ,all different sizes as well. First time I've seen that many in a fish!
  5. You should get some rain-x. I use it on my truck, rain beads up , rolls right off. Most auto supply places have it.
  6. I think the Town of Hamlin put the docks in at Sandy this morning!!
  7. Don't know what happened , try again
  8. NICE fish , hopefully an indication of things to come. Sent you a PM --Dave
  9. Fishenman --check PM
  10. In the past, the town of Hamlin Highway Dept has helped with the docks. Maybe they might know about this . Hi Ron - will be on my rock in a few days, always enjoy seeing you guys drive by!!
  11. Can't beat a good "wooble"
  12. What would one want with a 3x thong, anyway??
  13. Maybe you should go to the New York Fishing Forums-- That' s been pretty good lately. Enjoy your whine , do you need any cheese?
  14. Rd - check your Pm box!
  15. Seems like the lack of extended cold will mean lake temps will rise quicker than usual.This will really F -up us pier guys, unless we start fishing here pretty quick! Also you would think there would be some long-term effects ,seeing as this trend seems to becoming more prevalent. No doubt we will get snow, but who knows when. Can you say Global Warming??
  16. gokudl3-- fat guy I'm speaking of fishes far from where anybody puts there boat in. Same fat guy is there from mid march -mid May , comes back agian in the fall for the rainbows as well as watch the circus for the mudsharks. Still has no patience for inconsiderate boaters !Consider yourselves warned
  17. No fish there , Iwould stay where you are now! Just kidding, but wach out for the fat guy on the pier- no patience for unconsiderate boaters!
  18. Nice save .Enjoy the site very much, dont be shy about asking for a few bucks for the cause!! Thanks again!
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