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Everything posted by shorething

  1. Son is headed there as we type for an internship at a golf course , do you need a boat to catch these guys ? Any opportunities for shore fishing for other fish ? He is staying in Chatham , and would very much like to try some fishing while he is there! Thanks for any tips ,or spots he could check out !!
  2. Enjoy your day... sorry you're not headed for Sodus !!
  3. Hope it lasts till 1:00 tomorrow !!
  4. Good poll , see what the moderators think of this idea , 20 bucks a year is virtually free for a ton of great info . I check here often , and am a land based fisherman . Really enjoy the reports from all you boating fisherman . keep up the outstanding work !
  5. Very nice fish , hope it holds up for her ! Check out the summer LOC derby... runs through most of the summer
  6. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name: ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s): Time on Water: Weather/Temp: Wind Speed/Direction: Waves: Surface Temp: Location: LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: Total Boated: Species Breakdown: Hot Lure: Trolling Speed: Down Speed: Boat Depth: Lure Depth: ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILSJust got back from afternoon fishing excursion , decent action right when the weather was changing. Several browns in a very short time frame. biggest was easily 16 lbs phone crapped out in the rain, sorry no pics. Sent him on his way for you guys entered in the derby to pusue ! Soon as the front went through - fish turned off . Fast and furious for a half hour though ! Good luck to you guys in the derby .... I need to find a reliable {crazy} witness !! ====================
  7. Anybody remember the cannon ball Runner ? Out of Rochester .
  8. Nothing but rain in Hilton, just west of Rochester. Lake is pretty bumpy ,and very muddy .
  9. Expensive yes , but they will outlast a conventional mount by many years .Paul C z has some amazing photos of his work on this site ,as well . Seek ,and ye shall find !
  10. Far ,far to the West . He is talking about the other Sandy creek .
  11. Just down the road from our house . Neat stuff . Supposedly one washed up by the brockport yacht club a couple weeks ago .
  12. More stupid attempts at a ridiculous law, proposed by equally ridiculos people !
  13. Very sad news, he had a great show . kind of makes the point- live for today ,you never know what could happen tomorrow .
  14. Hope you have a good one , maybe someday you will give me a wave at Sandy !
  15. Saw those same 2 guys , passed me many times as I stood on my rock , that was the only fish I saw them catch . Very foggy . Cast for a couple hours , with only one hit I lwas leaving when they hooked up . many fish chasing bait ,not many interested in my offerings . Setting out again in a little bit .
  16. Did not look any different off Sandy either , 6 or so boats out, never saw them grab a net . Got one hit off the rock . Very nice day ,just the same !
  17. Great idea !!
  18. Very sorry to hear of your Families loss.
  19. I have caught [and released] 3or 4 the last couple springs from my rock . A few years ago ,they were virtually unheard of . Hope they try to put somemore in , as they are an extremely fun fish to catch !
  20. Spoke to one of you 3 guys this morning , I was the land based angler . Looks like a fun way to get after the fish !
  21. You did better than me ! Nice morning to be out though !
  22. I have caught several fish that would have placed in the spring derby , mostly browns . A few would have placed high in the standings . I wrote letters to the eslo people asking about a shore division , never got a reply. Springtime , in my opinion , shore guys have a very good chance at placing in the derby . Many times I have had better luck than the trollers ! Just my 2 cents - Dave
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