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Everything posted by stinger

  1. This can help pass the time in the winter........
  2. This is obviously someone wanting to get a rise out of a few of you . For a first post he/she is a trouble maker
  3. Like the others I've been running attractors behind the sharks with good results I think, ......I'm catching fish anyway . If anything I would think that more attraction is better especially in the deeper darker waters. Kinda like a peanut behind a laketroll.
  4. OK you guys. Lets be nice. You all know that this kind of stuff is like.....some people just like it.
  5. Thank you. I stand corrected and your point is well taken.
  6. Wrong info??? We are making up all these stories? Not. ...from post #27 "Preliminary results of recent electrofishing surveys in the Inlet indicate the numbers of juvenile lampreys produced in 2007 and 2011 were likely not large enough to require a lampricide treatment. Electrofishing surveys in Cayuga Inlet will continue in an effort to monitor the distribution and growth of juvenile lampreys produced in 2007 and 2011 and others that may follow." ...who needs electrofishing when you have this method: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-a8FbHPVvwY#t=1 (as posted by Ray on 9/15/2013) How many more pics will it take to see what we are -itching about.
  7. The last lampricide treatment (4 or 5 years ago) was missed because of high water (so we are told), and that is what caused this massive lamprey eel infestation. Years of growing one of the finger lakes best fisheries was destroyed in less than two years ( my opinion ). Remember each adult lamprey will kill 40 or more lbs of fish. That’s a lot of fish. Those beautiful 12 to 15 lb tournament winning lake trout that we used to catch are few and far between if at all now. Our trout and salmon fishing has also suffered. Look at the tournament leader boards for the last couple years and you’ll see the decline of quality fish. The last couple tournaments in 2013 were won by fish that would normally be bumped off the board in years past. A lake trout can live up to 20 years and Cayuga Lake can support that longevity. Eel traps is one way to curb the eel population. I’m sure that DEC would get enough volunteers to help man the traps. Look at all the pen rearing projects on Ontario. Maybe even sell the eels to help fund the program. The traps would get the adults before they spawn. Not after the ammocoets are in the creeks and maybe killed with lampricide every 4 years if the water conditions are right and if DEC has the manpower and if New York will spend the money. Every dead adult will take hundreds of future eels out of the life cycle and remember each eel returning to the lake as an adult will take out 40+ lbs of fish. All the stocking programs we have are useless if all we are doing is feeding the lamprey eels because our lampricide program is on a hope and a prayer. OK,.. I got that rant off my chest,..... but I don’t feel any better.
  8. This is from NYS DEC web site. Even though the study is in Lake Champlain you can ditto it for Cayuga. "Studies on the Great Lakes show a 40 to 60 percent mortality rate for fish attacked by sea lamprey. Other studies found that a single sea lamprey can kill 40 or more pounds of fish during its adult life." this is from http://www.dec.ny.gov/animals/6998.html There have been many fish on Cayuga caught in the last year and a half with more than one eel attachment. Actually we where catching dead fish and the fish just didn't know it yet. I wish I had pictures to show you of the eels attached to the lower unit of my main engine and the back of my transom while trolling. I sure RustyRat and many others can attest to that.
  9. I think you have to follow the grant $$ in some of this research Pap. The longer they can draw out a research program the more money they get. Ya think? ....and yes fathobbit, Cayuga lake is in a major collapse from the lampreys,....we have been getting major attachments on our boats and downrigger balls as well as on the fish since mid 2012.
  10. I have been using 12# Sharks for the last few years without any issues. They are pricey but seem to fish good. Deepest I run them is about 120'-130'. I don't really buy all the manufactures hype about the fish attracting abilities they have but the Sharks track well and blow back is definitely better than balls & fish weights. Haven't run the torpedo's so no opinion on them. http://www.sharkcannonballs.com/superstore.html
  11. Rollie,........hold your cursor on Sylvan Troller's name. A box will open up and in the lower left you'll see "send message" . Click that and your ready to PM.
  12. Ya, I hear you on the hope they make it.......... Also hope the lamprey's don't take a liking to them like they did the trout.
  13. I fished last Sunday both sides around Long Point area. The fish I'm catching are getting progressively smaller . Went 14 for 16 with a mini slam. Couldn't get a legal salmon. Fished 40' down to 100'. Didn't try the upper water table. Surface temp stayed in the 64's everywhere I went. Weeds are about gone and fleas are minimal. Really didn't have much of a pattern going.
  14. Not sure which is better. My ability to spell or to fish. From the looks of my log book it's neck & neck
  15. Hope golbies are their favorite snack
  16. Good reading. Thanks. A picture to go along with your book report.
  17. We are having good catches of lamprey eels lately on Cayuga. The only tackle you need is a set of downriggers and weights. Dragging a real fish isn't necessary but may increase your numbers. They will hit 12 lb. sharks also, black or silver. Best action is 60' to 100' down over 100' to 200' bottom.
  18. The B.A.S.S. boys better hurry while the pickings are still good. I hate to be pessimistic but between the golby's and the eels the Cayuga fishery is getting hammered. Fished again Saturday and the catch rate for lamprey eels is starting to rival my salmonid catch. I had 8 eel attachments on my rigger balls weights The quality of the fishing on Cayuga has definitely decreased. I'm catching fewer & fewer older fish. The 12" to 20" fish are becoming the norm and the tournaments are being won by fish that would have never been on the board two years ago. These attachments started last year and are becoming more common.... To compare the size of the lamprey, the cannon ball weight in the pictures is a 12 lb'er. ...OK, cleaned it up a little so Gill-T won't be tempted.
  19. This article was in todays Binghamton Press..... Invasive fish found in Cayuga Lake Round Goby taking over spawning sites, harming native fish By Andrew Casler [email protected] ITHACA — Fish in Cayuga Lake have a new competitor, and that could mean a tougher time for anglers looking to catch sport fish. The round goby (pronounced Go-bee), an invasive fish species from Eurasia, has been found near Taughannock Falls State Park, according to DEC spokeswoman Lori Severino. The fish have also been found in Lake Erie and Lake Ontario and many of their tributaries; the St. Lawrence River; the western section of the barge canal; the Seneca and Oswego rivers; and Onondaga Lake. They’re suspected, but not yet confirmed, in Oneida Lake, Severino said. Gobies may prey on eggs of lake trout, sculpin and darters, according to www.nyis.info. The fish are also well-developed for feeding in murky waters, which may provide a competitive advantage over native species in Cayuga Lake. The gobies take over prime, nearshore spawning sites and aggressively prevent use by native species. They are prolific breeders, too, reproducing every 20 days during the spawning season. Long-term impacts of the fish are expected to include declines in native species populations, according to www.nyis.info. Severino said it’s not yet clear how many gobies are in the lake, but one recreational diver estimated that he saw two to four gobies per square meter in an area near Taughannock Falls State Park. “The source is believed to be reliable, and if this is correct, then a substantial population has established throughout the lake,†she said via e-mail. Randy Jackson, senior research associate at the Cornell University Biological Field Station, said the fish have natural predators in the United States, such as bass, walleye and double crested cormorants. Still, he said the predators have not done an effective job of controlling the goby. Jackson added that goby prey on invasive zebra and quagga mussels. Birds and fish that eat gobies can also get bioaccumulation of toxins because gobies feed on zebra mussels, which can carry toxins, according to www.nyis.info. Gobies grow to be about 6 to 8 inches, and the bottom-dwelling fish aren’t typically eaten by fishermen. “They are likely to be edible, but we are not aware of them being utilized for food,†Severino said. Gobies are an immediate problem for anglers. The fish are proficient bait thieves, and they’re considered a nuisance because they bite on bait typically used for panfish. “The biggest concern for anglers is that when gobies get to high density, the prey fish will have plenty of food to eat, and it might be harder to catch fish,†Jackson said. The round goby, a native of freshwater and marine waters of Eurasia — particularly the Black and Caspian seas and the Sea of Azov — was first seen in the Great Lakes Basin in 1990. They likely entered the Great Lakes through the ballast water discharged from trans-Atlantic cargo ships, Severino said. “They have been expanding their range ever since,†she said. The fish have moved eastward through the barge canal, and they likely came into Cayuga Lake from the Seneca River, Severino said. In July 2012, underwater cameraman David Brown told The Ithaca Journal that he had filmed goby in the Cayuga-Seneca Canal while working with the Finger Lakes Institute at Hobart and William Smith colleges. The round goby’s spread to all waters connected to the Great Lakes is likely, Severino said. She added that the use and possession of gobies as bait is prohibited, and the DEC asks anglers to follow state baitfish regulations. “There is no known way to control goby populations at this time,†Severino said.
  20. Thanks Sean for the tip. Ordered some Friday from Amazon and got yesterday. Will give it try this weekend. If it works as good as you say I'll have about 2,000 yds of 20lb Flea Flicker left on a bulk spool taking up space on the shelf.
  21. Just to back up what bulletbob says. A couple pics of bass I caught trolling for trout. These fish were all suspended over 100' + bottom in the 65' range. As you can see in the second picture when they are on the feed they are not shy and not alone.
  22. Manuals will be fine if you only fish a couple times a year otherwise get one electric for now and a dipsy' or two. You can add another electric next year.
  23. It was more exciting with the 2 line rule. At least the DEC officer would stop and check me out several times a year. Sunday he just slowed down about 50 yds away, waved and left. Didn't even say, " good to see you again this year".
  24. Fished the Long Point-north area Sat and was disappointed in what I produced. Caught lakers, salmon & 1 rainbow. Low numbers and no quality. Kept one small laker. Bow was just legal and still swimming. The salmon were the 16-17" ers. Like you the core was a waist of time. Finished my bag of cookies and went home.
  25. Slim pickings for me also . Most that I'm getting are 80' to 110' down over 90' to 150' bottom. Spoons & flies depending on what they are in the mood for .
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