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December 5, 2006
Last visited
Tuesday at 11:51 AM
Everything posted by Huntfrisco
Have they disappeared yet???
no I'm happy with Big Jons my boat really isn't comfy with 4 downriggers so these have been sitting in the shed for years so I decided to sell them, they're like new!
Read more
Pair Big jon don riggers with swivel bases $500.00
Two climbers left $100 each
Everything is gone other than the climbers
Several climbers and hanging stands, climbing sticks, two tent blinds, & 4 wheeler box
Quality geaer
All must go
Pair of electric Big Jon Downriggers W/swival base $550.00 With extension booms
Pair quick slide bases 90.00 pair
pair extra reels with planer line for flat lining $45.00
4inch pedestals $50.00
All have been used very little and in great condition
Anyone know the condition of the launch at T-Falls...is it clear to launch?
Anyone needing info on the AP12h PM me and I'll give my phone number!
Don't waste your time with Simrad!
I can help you with the installation. This is an awesome unit after going through the pains of learning to install it. The unit is generic so you have to purchase a fitting kit and an adapter for the for the sensor unit on the OB plus additional hoses. The prices vary so you need to shop. I purchased my hoses from EBAY. These extra parts will run a couple of hundred $$$$$$ The compass position is critical.
I had a Sport Pilot Plus on my previous rig and this unit puts that unit into the dark ages.
I you need advice I'll be more than happy to help. PM me ands I'll give you my phone numbers. It's much easier to talk than to type.
PS: The customer service at Simrad sucks, the help I received came from this website!
If I go on Sunday I'll be heading north it simply isn't worth the fight! I'll be in a black 20' Lund
Chowder how did you deal with the rafts of weeds? I started out there but the weed issue chased me away. I moved to t-Falls area marked tons of bait but only small LLs would hit. I wasted the prime time because of the weeds.
PM lyteline he had one rotary one installed recently mine is hydraulic. The only thing I can add is that the location of the compass is critical for the calibration. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions.
I had a sport pilot plus on my previous boat and that doesn't compare to the Simrad.
Do you have hydraulic or cable steering?
I have a brand new white fender for a dual axle shorelander trailer. It fits the drivers side rear or passengers side front. My new trailer fenders are gray so I have no use for it. I paid $110.00 for it. If interested send a PM with an offer!
We've been hitting Cayuga afternoons till dark. The quality has been good, the numbers were down. We'boated several fish and I agree deep water with green flys or spoons behind a silver dodger worked the best. We did boat one bow about 5 1/2 lbs and lost one larger. The browns were running between 4 to 7 lbs.
The bite was fast and short 1 hour before dark.
Sorry guys cannot do LOU again this year (work). BTW Stinger has a mystery guest on his rig so beware!