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Everything posted by Huntfrisco

  1. Thanks Brian...will keep researching
  2. Thanks folks for everyones input. What I got out of it was there were problems when the S1000 first came out and it looks like they have been resolved. Now I have to decide between the Raymarine S100 & Simrad AP16. There is about a $1000 difference! Never knew catching fish was so stressful
  3. Yahoo!!!!! Good god it took long enough! Now field test that baby and help me with my decision! See: it pays to procrastinate!
  4. Looking for THE RIGHT auotpilot for a 20' Lund with hydraulic steering. On other sites there was mention that the Raymarine S1000 had problems picking up a reading at low trolling speeds. Ant thought or experience on this out there? Almost all of my time is on the Finger Lakes trolling between 2.0 to 3.0 MPH. Any thoughts on the S1000 or other units for hydraulic steering? Ken
  5. Thanks for your input. Just ordered mine yesterday this particuliar boat is the magnum. It has a straight back so I'll probably have wait until it arrives in early May before I make my decision regarding where I'm going to mount my downriggers wether it's on the gunwales or I purchase a trolling board! I'm considering mounting 4 riggers off the gunwales, but Im concerned how the cables will line up on the turns. Thanks Ken
  6. Guys, Any info on aluminum transom bars would be appreciated with regards to manufacturers, cost, mounting, and funtionality. ken
  7. Stinger & I went the the Syracuse Boat Show Saturday. One thing I learned was that I couldn't find an aluminm boat that handled four downriggers without lining them on the gunwales. The only one there was the Starcraft Fishmaster, nice rig but I'm concerned about the quality. I hope to own the next boat for many years that's why I'm looking at Lunds. Sluggo when you mentioned using riggers on Lunds were they stacked on the gunwales or on a board and how was the ride. The lunds are heavier than most aluminum boats plus the position of the driver/passenger is a bit more forward than others.
  8. Thanks landshark I'm on Cayuga & Oneida. I trailer it in the winter to Cayuga so I'm concerned with too big of a rig! Do you own either?
  9. I need a walk through windshield because of playing (tubing) and bass fishing. It's tough to find a glass boat that has a straight back with the depth and width of aluminum boats. Because of this I'm in the market for a Lund 195 Tyee or a 2150 Baron Magnum. Any info would be appreciated with regards to the ride and how the rigging 4 downriggers works out. If I choose the 1950 it will have a 175 optimax and the Baron a 200 Optimax. Any suggestions? Ken
  10. Seems like there is only two of us posting results..way too many tight lips. Guess what: we give and get tips and everyone continues to have fun. Get a grip guys and let loose you don't have to say where you fished. Stinger and I will be out tomorrow and it's Stingers turn to post. Ken
  11. We didn't know Billy was compatable with a certain reel. If the reel appears we'll make sure Billy will be taken care of........can't wait to go again. Folks I didn't realize what I thought was a harmlees post would stir up this much conversation..........well this site has been dull for some time so maybe the timing was correct! It was great talking to you guys and look forward to future conversations!
  12. This heater is great for boats, it has ceramic plates that heat radiates off. I have a ten gallon tank with hose to the heater. You can use small canisters in place of the larger tank. As far as I'm concerned they are safe I, I keep it away from all foot traffic.
  13. For you guys that use these heaters. If the pilot light keeps going out or the heat from the ceramic plates is low. Insert a Q-tip with alcohol in the tube for about two inches. Simply turn the tip and it will clean the opening allowing more gas to flow. I had to get it fixed in a hurry or risk losing my fishing partner/1st mate Stinger. Several times the temperature dipped below 60 degrees. Fishing is all about be comfortable! It's working fine now Mike so it's good the go for the next trip!
  14. Send me a PM
  15. It was definitely a day on Cayuga for the hardy, especially when you're having heater problems. Browns were the big item today, we boated many in the 3 to 5 lb class, we kept 4 for dinner and released the rest. It was the first time I've used mini divers which most of the fish came off. We were suprised that we didn't boat any legal LLs, however we did boat 2 bows in the 16" class which we released. We simply couldn't find the larger LLs. BTW Zeke, Billy Barro was off his game today. He'll have to do better in the future if he wants to tag along. It was another fun day and we hope the weather continues to cooperate. Ken
  16. Stinger you chicken sh_ _! I'll jusy turn up the heater!
  17. BTW.......releases!!! 18 of them mysteriously appeared last night (mostly red for whatever reason) !!!
  18. Not mentioning the Frig Newtons was by design.....you'll be forgiven the first time only. Fishing isn't the same without Frig Newtons. Rarely is a first timer given this responsibility so Zeke you'll need to step up to the plate the next time!
  19. By the way I did forget to add one other member of our party "Billy Barro"! He was responsible for most of the better catches!
  20. Before I give a fish report, I need to go on record that I was not responsible for any of the tangle ups today! Had the pleasure to fish with the two best fishing partners one could ask for, Stinger & Zeke (alias Strike 3). The numbers were down today, but the quality was up. There is a large class of 17" to 20" LLs this winter. We keep a few for the dinner table and released all the browns and several keeper LLs. Hopefully, other boats will do the same and let them grow, they'll be quality fish next winter. Zeke & Stinger know how to get it done, so it's always a good trip when you're with these guys and it's a added bonus to catch fish. Stick baits with orange seemed to be the color today! Be careful with the launch at T-Falls, the bubbler wasn't on so there were large chunks of ice that were transducer hungry.
  21. Unfortunately, we picked up only one bow about two weeks ago in the 16" 17" class which we put back, the rest were landlocks & Browns!
  22. Unfortunately, we picked up only one bow about two weeks ago in the 16" 17" class which we put back, the rest were landlocks & Browns!
  23. Fished south of AES Cayuga. The bite wasn't as hectic as Saturday, however it was a productive day, We boated about 15 or 20 fish (sorry Stinger didn't weigh or measure them AGAIN). We kept six for the dinner table 3 browns & 3 salmon. Didn't find any one thing that stood out, used black and silver early, then perchy stuff later in the morning. The larger salmon came off streamers, we did lose one LL in the 5 lb class, my kid (the rookie) blamed it on the other lines. Will try again Saturday if the weather cooperates. Zeke/Stinger I'll supply the ride! Who's bringing the Fig Newtons? Ray/Fishstix the water is to high to get under the bridge at T-Falls, there wasn't any ice at Tremain be careful of debris, the lake was full of logs after the recent rains.
  24. Hard to say...the water is up for December. I have a 20' Alumacraft with a stand up top, I clear by over 18", I just have to drop the antenna..I hope to go Wednesday and I'll measure it. I think you'll be OK
  25. And they're cheap....the superman color was the hot one yesterday..I laughed when Mike bought them.........oh well. you never know!
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