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Everything posted by Huntfrisco

  1. Ray/Stix We've picking up stick baits at Wal Mart..1.99 or 2.99 It must be the action, they worked the best last year & this year! Boxes full of$6.00 lures and these cheapies seem work the best. Mike has been doctoring them up with different colors (magic markers) check em out
  2. Will let you know Zeke..love to have you...as far as reeling in the fish, you have to be quicker than Stinger, I've yet to beat him to a line!
  3. Before I give a fish report. Stinger set records on Cayuga on the amount of hardware that he can drag behing a boat. The trout in Cayuga saw every color and size lures from plugs to streamers. Most of them hit in self defense. When I partner up with him my kicker usually has to run about 100 RPM higher. I'm sure Zeke/Vince know exactly what I'm talking about! We had one of those days where everything worked. We were into fish all day with stick baits and streamers. Early it was silver/black stickbaits and later in the morning we used colored stickbaits with several coming off on pink/red streamers. We kept several Landlocks and browns in the 18" to 21" class for the dinner table and we released one 7 lb brown and several browns and landlocks in the 3 to 5 lb class. I didn't measure or record each fish for which I was scolded for by stinger, but I'm sure we boated over 35 fish putting many keepers back. It was a great day and hopefully it will continue through the Winter! Ken
  4. Geez Ray.....all this time I thought there wasn't any deer. By the way...nice buck! Saturday looks like a go, will let you guys know how we did!
  5. OK it's time to liven up this website, critter hunting closed Tuesday so it's time to start fishing Cayuga and possibly Seneca if Stinger & I get some good tips from this website. 1st question is about the launch at T-Falls, is it open and is the bubbler open. We promise promise promise not to be tight lipped if we start hitting em! The last two years were slow but with the amount of undersized salmon we caught this summer and last fall it should be a good year! Hopefully Ray K. will share some of his knowledge about Seneca with us! Ken
  6. I haven't spent the time on Cayuga this year compared to others, but I would agree that it's been a poor year. This site has been quieter this year than others, does that indicate success rate?. I fish through the winter and I'm finding the same thing after the lake cools down. So is it me or do other fishereman agree? I would like to see other responses, this can be down without giving up secrets! Ken
  7. Ditto here, fished the south end to Crow Bar Sunday, I found a few marks and boated only small fish one rainbow, one brownd and numerous small salmon. I lost a brown about four ponds next to the boat mainly brecause I horsed him. All the fish came off purple/black. Later in the AM I dropped down deeper with dodger/flies and produced only one small laker. After a fustrating summer with engine problems, thankfully the issues are resolved!!! Ken
  8. Sorry I couldn't make...I'm having OB trouble! I was looking forward to meeting you guys!! Ken
  9. Huntfrisco will be there!!!! Ken
  10. Thanks for the info Stan........I'll try running them closer this weekend. The wire has been productive so I've given up on the balls. Will let you know how we did>
  11. Did 5 lakers and 2 small salmon. Two of th lakers were around 8 lbs. It wasn't a great day as far as fish count but it was a great day to be on the water. Plenty of marks in the 150' range As with the last few months everything seems to come of wire, the downriggers were silent again. Does anyone have an explanation? Wire seems to better downriggers consistantly. Rumor has it that Strike 3 was going to be on the water today!!!!!
  12. Actually I'm going along so I can nap.....try not to be too vocal unless a big bite is on. Stinger, make sure you have the pillow
  13. Vince....I'll be nice and won't bust your chops...$10.00 from Ken Hey Stinger, where's your post..came a long to check out your post and nothing! How come!
  14. spoonfed...I take it your tying the braid to the mono! What knot are you using? Thanks Ken
  15. Good idea Ray, I understated the size & number of eels yesterday. It was alarming at the size of several. The sizes were closer to 10". I didn't think it was important until we boated several fish with them attached. We boated 10 fish and killed at least 12 eels.
  16. Stan, the glory fish were on top until 9:00. Things haven't changed from January. You were RIGHT ON and things haven't changed. Can't make it tomorrow, let us know how you did. Ken
  17. Fished the south end north of Myers. The bite was on early and slacked off by 900 AM. We landed 4 browns about 3 lbs, 1 LL about 3 lbs, several lakers from 4 to 7 lbs and of course many undersized LLs. The browns & LLs came off boards using black & silver plugs and after the initial burst we dropped down with wire from 70' down for the lakers. All were healthy & fat. We were surprised by the number of fish caught with lamphreys, some of the eels were much larger than I have ever seen (over 7"). All but one off the browns had eels on them with two having three. It was a decent day and more eels were killed than fish. The debris in the lake is incredable, logs, trees everywhere. I suggest going slow because many are submerged with the east shore being the worst. I found one the hard way....luckily no damage! I suggest hitting the water as early as possible the bite doesn't last long! We spotted only two other boats so there wasn't much competition. You were RIGHT ON again Zeke. Ken
  18. I'll be there....195 on channel 68
  19. Well done!!!!! Fishstix
  20. Vince, We run rods dedicated for wire only with Twille tips for large dipseys when we want to get 60' or deeper. I have another set with braided line that I use with the smaller dipseys for depths around 30", these work well in the spring on Cayuga and for Walleyes in the summer at Onieda. I'm sure they will work with larger dipseys. As you get into this you'll find that wire rods and downriggers will give you the versatility to be effective. Stinger and I both carry 10 + rods so it takes time to build an inventory. Look forward to hooking up with you, Mike & I should be on the water this weekend if you care to join us! Maybe Stinger will show you the secret spot!
  21. I nominate Stinger
  22. Hey Ray. Been confined to Cayuga for years only fished Seneca once and that was at Severene Pt. What other launches are launchable in the winter, What is the condition of the launch at Watkins Glen? Is it private or public. Stinger :shock: is getting real crotchity in his old age, I might try to talk him into trying something different. He's set in his old age and this time of year we usually have to tow a dock with us. I don't know if Seneca is ready for his vast assortment of lures, he has one that's called "SPARKLE PLENTY" which has been banned on several lakes! Ken
  23. What a great site for information. Rail Bird, when you stated about interference from the FF transducer, how close is too close? Would mounting it on the opposite side of the boat solve the issue. I'm new to this unit so I'm assuming that the signal comes from the device on the ball to the transducer then to the display. I take it that there isn't a promblem with the screen being close to the FF screen Because I have a kicker on the side opposite from the FF, I wonder how the unit would work close to the outboard? Ken
  24. I'm considering pruchasing a spped & temp indicator (Fishhawk 840). I would like to hear coments on this unit or others and the necessity of reading speed and tempature at the ball. :arrow: These units are a bit pricey so I hope you guys can give me some good information before I purchase one. Ken
  25. Stinger & I launched at T-Falls. The water is extremely low but if your carefull it's doable. My rig is a 20' Alumacraft and we were able to launch, just keep to the right side of the channel where the water seems to be the deepest. Stinger landed a nice brown right away and we boated a few small landlocks. Stinger then suggested that we to try his secret spot unfortunately, it was so secret the fish didn't even know about it. After wasting precious time we went to our olds haunts and Stinger boated another nice Brown and a few more Landlocks. We finished off with a couple of average Lakers about 4 lbs. We couldn't find a pattern or depth that was consistant but it seemed nice to get back on the water after a six week layoff. I think I need to mute Stinger or just stop listening to his suggestions to start catching more fish. Seriously, the last two winters have been marginal, I would like to hear if everone else is having the same experience. We're catching fish but nothing like it has been in the past. The Lakers were deep and the Browns were on top. Ken
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