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Everything posted by Huntfrisco

  1. Count me in........195
  2. Today was the day, waited for Stinger and he was a no show so the bite will have to wait for another time. Maybe I need to start looking for another partner like Fishstix. I can rely on him not to wait for pefect conditions.
  3. Just for the record Stinger couldn't fish Saturday because is operating as an electrician with very low pay. Sunday he was cooking spagehetti for large amount of Italians in Binghamton. something has to start giving or I'll start shopping for a new fishing partner. Priorites, priorites priorites
  4. PS, Fishstix we'll take a measurement the next time we launch at T-Falls
  5. Thanks for any info regarding T-Falls. This weekend looks like it's shot. Can't be choosey on which days you fish this time of year!!!!! It makes sense to schedule with the weather or it will be spring before we get out again. So..........stinger the rug sales can wait a day if mother nature cooperates, the fish are active Monday through Fridays!
  6. Should have worked for Ma Bell!
  7. The deal is that Stinger cleans the fish and I do the post, so here it comes! Fair day on Cayuga, we had two flurries. One early asnd one later in the morning, we kept three browns and one salmon, all were good eating size from 16" to 20". We released many small salmon and some browns and salmon that were just under legal size. Boards worked fine early and later in the morning wire with small dipseys running about 50' down was the best combination with several coming off the downriggers. There wasn';t a color that dominate, but the best color seemed to be silver/black plugs. The hottest action came whenever the phone rang, good god Stinger spent more time on the phone than fishing!!!!!! Ken
  8. The fish have been deep for whatever reasons the last two years, historically trolling on boards have been effective! Inline boards work well as well as diseys. Braided line will get the small diseys down around 35' any deeper you'll need the larger didseys. We use wire for the deeper depths 60' and below so shallow trolling wire isn't needed. Winter trolling is tough to predict, we hit them on top in 250' as well as 10' ........ You just have to find where the are!
  9. Great job Stix!!!! Stinger and I will be back at it with new tactics! We did poorly on the north end so it's back south this weekend. We might have to call in the heavy hitters for help.......(strike three)!!!! You out there Zeke!!!! Love to have you this weekend..Stingers not much of a guide so I'm looking for the pro!!!
  10. Thanks RR we'll give it a try...will let you know how we did!
  11. We plan to launch at Long Point! This is a first for us winter fishing, it's our usual haunt for summer fishing. We'll keep you posted!
  12. We're going to the north end this weekend, that's Stinger haunt! I'll be the client & he'll be the captain. Gotta find em to catch em. Yes it was a great day to be on the lake, we'll keep ypu posted
  13. OK Stinger: here's the long waited fish report. Trolled from Tremain to T-Falls and a small pass around Milliken without much success. Much of our focus was on top producing many small salmon. Looks like we need to concentrate a bit deeper like Fishstix did. What was your final tally Fishstix? If the weather cooperates we're going to launch at Long Point next week. If we aren't successful I'm going to start shopping for a new partner. I furnish the ride and Stinger is supposed to furnish the expertise! Ken
  14. Stinger wrote....Huntfrisco........come out, come out where ever you are......time to take 195 out of the barn . I promise to stay on my side of the boat if you take me fishing for a Christmas present. Please. OK OK stop whining.....Saturday it is...remember the famous quote "you can't get on my boat if you know more than I" _________________
  15. Stinger Fishing!!!!! Made the offer for Sunday, but you choose to troll the French Tract! We'll try it again today the weather looks favorable!!! We had only one release yesterday!
  16. I'll try to help, just keep in mind that this is my opinion! I'm Stingers (alias 195) fishing partner so I thought I might try to help seeing that Stinger didn't!!!! If you're the type of consumer that is on a fixed monthly budget, I suggest a fixed rate. That is the easiest way to shop for the best rate. The NYSEG web page lists the various companies. However, most high end users of electricity choose the variable rate simply because over time there are significant savings. I'm chosing the variable rate and staying with NYSEG anticipating that they will be able to purchase generation at a reasonable cost because of the volume of customers that they serve. Keep in mind that delivery charges will stay the same you're only shopping for generation! I suggest keeping track of the kilowatt hours that you used in 2006 and comparing the costs in 2007. I hope I helped
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