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traveling man

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Everything posted by traveling man

  1. thats a beatiful king andy. sounds like you had a great time. thanks for the help saturday morning. are you fishing this weekend
  2. #1 dipsey set on a 2 setting will tick bottom with 300 feet of line out in 93 fow at 2.7sog with a 8in flasher.
  3. Like Tom said make sure you have some lights on.
  4. I also run 20# leader for my spoons.
  5. Binghamton to Syracuse is good.
  6. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name: ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s):8/27 Time on Water:530-200 Weather/Temp: sunny Wind Speed/Direction: none Waves: none Surface Temp: 70.8 early 74 later Location: LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: 7 Total Boated:2 Species Breakdown:kings Hot Lure: Trolling Speed: 2.6-3.0 Down Speed: Boat Depth: 80-170 Lure Depth: 110-140 ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS we didn't know where to start off the big salmon so we set up in 80fow. I put my probe down to the bottom and 70*. We started trolling wnw. we got out to 118ft and the 300 wire goes. the fish runs for about 5 seconds and gone. white spinny/glow hammer fly. get out to 140 and the same rig goes. fish ran for about 5 second and gone. headed north to stay in 140 and nothing. headed back to where we hit the last fish and got pushed out and ended up in 165fow. lots of bait and some hooks and 140 rigger fires 20king. troll north on 162-165. we had 4 more bites out there but only boated 1 more 10-12# king. for some reason we could not keep them hooked up today. it was always the same run 5 to 10 seconds and gone. all of our hits were going 2.9-3.0 on the gps. ====================
  7. Tim, that is one reason i like fishing fair haven, very little boat traffic. I have never ran into that problem there. Some people just think they own the water! If i see another boat has a fish on i try to get away from them. The way i look at it we all share the water and a little give and take go along way.
  8. for salmon i like mags.
  9. 38lb 7oz.
  10. I use the PENN 330GTI too.
  11. The head of the DEC does not want this passed, so the governor will let the bill get pocket vetoed. the NYS fish and game laws would have to be rewriten if it was passed and that would create more work for people who do not like to do work.
  12. happy birthday scott.
  13. the north end of owasco lake is in auburn. the lake offers lake trout, rainbow trout and browns. there is also a few walleye in the lake.
  14. chinook, a lot of good advice above. if you are not happy with your drags send your reels to tuna reel trouble over the winter. smooth drags are very important.
  15. are you talking about a tournament or a derby? either one unless it is put on a scale don't believe them.
  16. wow, that would end my day too. i hope someone knows who this guy is.
  17. Good job Andy. You and your crew did a great job loading that cooler.
  18. it looks like there is some good temp breaks off of port breese http://www.coastwatch.msu.edu/ontario/o12.html
  19. we fished fairhaven on sunday. We caught fish from 160fow to 220. only had 5 fish on and caught 4. we did boat 3 kings in the teens. Everything we cayght was down 90 -100. 2 nice fish were caught on a wire dipsey set on 2 out 310. it was a double glow white spinnie with a glow hammer fly. from the top of the loop to the head of the fly it was 21inches. our speed was 2.5 -3mph sog. the other nice fish was on a gator spinnie with a B fly.
  20. They are nasty. Other than long pants and thick socks i got nothing
  21. congrats on getting your sons first king and your biggest king...so far. we all stuggle when we first started. the more you fish the better it gets.
  22. turning stone casino, wine tasting on cayuga or seneca lake.
  23. i don't have the tx-44's. they were to big to reel in. i went with the walleye boards and they handle 400 ft of cu.
  24. thats what i was thinking tim! definatly not a 101 or 202
  25. which flasher do you guys run it on.
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