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December 5, 2006
Last visited
December 16, 2021
Everything posted by Splitshot115
Here's the link for R & &:::
Happy Birthday Zeke..........
Yep, just mail it in and save a drive or you coud tell the wife you've got to go sign-up and take the boat along for a little trip.
Paint comes off within a few hours of use on all that I have purchased. I don't have that problem with R & R or NK's.
Didn't use Myer's, but Tremain was fine if you stayed toward the wall.
Started in the mud on the south end notta, went to the west side in some clearer water and picked up some salmon and a few browns with some lakers mixed in. Crossed over to Portland point and had a steady pick until we hit the mud. All in all another good day on the water. Got to chat with Fish-on for awhile.
1984 Regal Commodore
Needs some TLC, $4,000 OBO
Located in central NY north of the Finger Lakes region.
This is a great boat with lots of extras, Perfect for the family weekend get away. Equipped for shore power, has on board charger. Has Stove, Fridge and hot water heater. Sink and shower with fresh water tank. Currently has portapotty, but has black water storage tank and can be equipped with a toilet. Boat sleeps 5, Comes with all pots / pans, life jackets, Anchors, Fish finder, CB radio, and Vinyl camper top. Has swim deck and ladders.
305 engine, with OMC out drive with trim pads.
80 gal aluminum fuel tanks
Boat is currently on Trailer. Length is 24.5 low, 27 ovl
Call Lonny Christensen
@ 518 568 7693
Nice job Rollie, Wes do you think he'd miss Barney's derby?
Great looking Salmon Dave, Any lampreys attached?
Final Flight and I spent the day on the south end of Cayuga yesterday. Put in at Tremain,
going out or coming in to the inlet stay towards the wall, park side is very shallow.
All in all a very nice day, 1 nice brown, 3 large salmon, 3 table fare sized lakers and a few dropped by yours truly at the back of the boat. One large salmon that I dropped at the back of the boat had three lampreys on it, we did get one lamprey in the boat and put two back in the lake, maybe we should start saving them for pie. No flasher and flies used, all sticks and spoons. One thing I noticed, was picking up police traffic on the
radio on 68? Will be out next weekend.
Get rid of the nylon and spool up the wire.
Your lucky RR I'm not fishing it.
You can register over the phone, The numbers are listed above. See you in the am.
Wrong Lake though........
They work good with 13lb weights, but I wouldn't go any higher.
He'll be following me Mark. Billy I'll post more in the next few days after we get the rest of the rules in place and the lawyers look things over to make sure the I's are dotted and the T's are crossed.
No it's not a typo, This year anyone who places in the top 5 of the "A" or "B"
division will have a shot at winning $25,000. We will still do the normal payout along with the lunker. Entry forms will be updated and out by Barney and Bears Spring Derby on Cayuga. Thanks to John (aka Mower) and Cheryl Sacco of Great Choice Lawn Care and Landscaping for stepping up and allowing some lucky or skilled angler a shot at winning one of the largest cash prizes for a one day derby in New York State.
here's one link:::