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Posts posted by Splitshot115

  1. That's alright you guys just remember that I'll be lurking below the radar, might even be able to talk Irish56 into fishing with the wife and I.

    If that happens I'm sure we can losen the Rat's grip on that trophy. ;)


  2. Final flight,

    Here's some answers.

    1. Barney's is on the east side of the lake at Meyers point.

    2. 34 96 is the best way to go, off from that take the Auburn exit in Ithaca just past the high school, left at the bottom of the exit, go to red light turn left go down the hill till you see the lansing high school, church on left, sign reads Meyers turn left there, stop sign at bottom of hill go straight then bear right. Your in Meyers Park

    3 & 4 Yes they have a Launch and parking. 5 or 6 bucks for nonresidents

    5 If you get to the Towanda area I have applications. Or you can call Barney, he'd probably mail you some.


  3. Seasquirrel, Traveling Man,

    Sorry I didn't update the post, There is another post somewhere with the right info on it. Still have these trophys for kids as none where entered last year. I'll take them down and have new plates put on them for this year.


  4. Kevin,

    This is a tournament that was put together last year by Chaos, the only

    requirement is that you are a registered member of this board. I'll bump some of the old posts so you can check them out. We fish for the Cayuga

    Cup which Rusty Rat has in his grasp for the time being, (he says he's not

    giving it up this year either) :lol: . Actually it's kind of a meet and greet for members of the board. I think anybody that fished it last year will tell you they had a good time. It's always nice to be able to put a name with a face. Oh by the way you do know me and I know you. ;)


  5. keukaboy,

    Here's a link, good location for that time of year. If they have an opening. You'll need to call asap.

    There are a few other places around the lake also 2 state parks and a few private ones.

    http://www.lansingrec.com/index.php?opt ... 9&Itemid=7


    There are 4 launches on the west side that are pretty easy to find.

    starting at the south (excuse spelling) Allen Tremain, taughannock,

    dean's cove and Cayuga state park. There are a couple in between that

    the names escape me, some might be private.

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