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Big Dave

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Everything posted by Big Dave

  1. We catch a lot more landlocks at 2.8 to 3 at the ball on Cayuga.
  2. Pine Grove would be a hassle with a 24' motorhome towing the boat. Its narrow where you make the swing to back in.
  3. SSSOOoooo!!! Thats why you buffy fish !!
  4. Nice pictures I wish I could shoot the woodchucks that are screwing up my lawn. But I live in town. If I get some of those bombs I would have homeland security down on Me.
  5. All spoons don't run at the same speed ! You can't mix suttons and NK's in your spread for instance, because they won't work together. Suttons and thin flutter spoons run best slow. where the heavier spoons need more speed to make them dance. Check them along side of the boat before you send them down on the rigger or dipsie. All of the other suggestions that the guys have given your are spot on. Some spoons are more speed forgiving than others.
  6. They may be at the Owsego Pro-Am next weekend.
  7. Shocking!!!! Must have been funny though.
  8. One of my work trucks had a blue interior. It will be full of flies at a work site where the other trucks had gray and they would be empty. Got one of those paddles that zap them with new batterys !! sizzle sizzle !!!
  9. The green and yellow one is a good one too !!
  10. My buddy nets the king and it come unhooked. As he is bringing the net to the back of the boat there is enough water for the fish to high jump over the rim of the net. Quick release
  11. 20' leader . I like flo-carbon.
  12. Should be a tag on top of the tank near where the sending unit is.
  13. There is a nice articile about radios in the Greatlakes Angler, the one with Yankee troller on the cover. Remember a good ant.. will make a bad radio a little better a bad ant. will make a good radio suck. Handhelds are good for at the dock and such I would vote for a real radio with a good ant.
  14. Handheld is 5 watts max so you don't cook your brain when using it. The regular radio puts out 25 watts on high . More power and the higher ant. make a big differance when calling for help.
  15. steelhead and a small king nice.
  16. The Cortland contigent will be there !!
  17. Then there are the Sailboats !! , but that is a whole nother rant.
  18. Check out my 20# test line world record sickleback in my advatar !! Hit a NK 28 , hook went in mouth and out the gill opening. Released to fight another day !
  19. The price was so low it was insane !!!
  20. Happy Father's day guys !!
  21. Pirates , look by the eye they may be marked with the skull & crossbones.
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