Get a ball canning "blue book" There is a fish repice in there. We use the hotwater bath cut the fish into small pieces &put into the jar. Add 1 teaspoon of salt for a quart jar and fill the jar with water leaving the 1/2" head space. Use a knife to get out the air bubbles out of the jar. Put the lid and ring on and put in the canner. Cover the jars with water and bring to a boil , turn the heat down and simmer them for 3hr. Make sure they stay covered with water. We let them cool down over night. We do it on the blow off days during the fall derby. We use a one of the turkey fryers with the large kettle you can get a bunch of jars in at once. You can use the canned salmon like tuna fish from the store. Salmon loaf or patties , dip, Mix some in the Mac & cheese. Etc. They say to use the pressure canner, but we have done it with the hotwater method for years.