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Big Dave

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Everything posted by Big Dave

  1. It kept croaking RAAAAYYYYY RAAAYYYYY RRAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Do your 4 or 5 twists then a couple of loose ones. That way you can see the shakers with a Blacks release. Sharp hooks!!! I don't know how fast the line pickup is with those mooching reels to wind down to a fish.
  3. I would look into something that is metal and dosen't swivel when a king wacks your dipsie. Or look at the thread on rod theathers!!!!
  4. There is a plunge method, you basically throw them in nose first. You want to get them down 5 or 6' then they swim right down. It looks awful , but works.
  5. Sounds like the prop hub is spun Can be rebuilt though
  6. Nice Ray!!! Looks like a good trip.
  7. You still can drive the boat with one hand!!! Looks like it might sting alittle when the meds wear off Heal quick.
  8. So the warranty was up on the Old one??? good luck with the new ride. Love my 08 Lariet.
  9. Helping him set up or sober up??? Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. My wife wants to do that with me. She is tired of fixing me up.
  11. Tormentors, You can find them on e-bay. But they are from europe.
  12. Ray , I am a fishhawk and Cannon Man!!!!!
  13. They are in greatlakes Angler this month. Go to the website Roughfish.com and see what some other guys are fishing for.
  14. Four Mile st pk is located between Wilson and the Fort. Your camping will let you launch at either the Fort or Wilson st pk. There are good diners in Youngstown and Ransomville and on Rt 18 . Gas up at the Indian res and same a couple of bucks. My wife likes the Lady of Fatamia shrine thats near there. Last week the fishing was tough , but it should explode soon.
  15. Looking for a pair of big jon planner board reels Rail mount Thanks Andy
  16. Although I don't think you can blame the spelling on that.
  17. We had huge schools of bait below the muddy water with no takers Friday We caught the same as Tim
  18. Thanks Jack that vidio helped us out alot last week. Ours was starting to go , so I got the parts. The first day were out to the bar it got realy loud. Ours was in backwards and we barrowed a puller and got it in . Big differance Thanks.
  19. Thanks for the report. Last year when I was layed up and couldn't get out they ment a lot.
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