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Big Dave

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Everything posted by Big Dave

  1. How did the guys in the ballon make out? , Were they fishing too???
  2. Seems to me that a rough coated weight (LineX or Rhinoliner ) would blow back more. Less hydrodyamic,
  3. Happy birthday Hank and keep charging ahead !!!!!!
  4. Browns like the toby's I think the red-eye is to heavy.
  5. If you can get out fish just outside of the pack of boats. The lake is a mess temp wise at the east end. There will be fish out of temp on the bottom in front of the river. Good luck I hope to get back at least once before the end of the run.
  6. Nice time!!!!! that one picture threw me though. The one with the fish on your shirt and the one that you were holding. I kept looking at it wondering what the heck you had caught
  7. There is a lot of religion with the LOC. Those on the board pray for wind and those who want to get on ,pray for Calm seas!!!
  8. A guy had a piece of antena wire from a car screwed to the bottom of his weight to tickle bottom. It was 3 1/2 ' long he had drilled and tapped the bottom of the weight to screw the antena in.
  9. #4 size is most popular , sometimes a #3 or a #5 Tie mainline to the bead swivel so it slides the plug up the line on a hit. Try a 15' lead off of the ball , to far back and they tend to tangle with the plugs on the other rigger.
  10. Huntilng!! A deer walks in front of you and you shoot it. The fish have a better sense of smell , can feel movement with the lateral line, can see with the uv light. Try dragging a plastic carrot through the woods with a string and getting the deer to hit it.. Like Ray says there is a Huntilng section on the board somewhere And there is a share the ride section too!! Good luck with your new adventure
  11. Our prayers go out to you and your family
  12. The 31#12oz. male that we got last week was still feeding and was full of alwifes. There will be 40's caught in the next couple of weeks if the weather calms down.
  13. Boy Tom you were pretty darn close!!!!!!!
  14. Run 17# clear all year just check the lures more often.
  15. Oh yeah we lost the derby winner just before we quit for the day. It sure felt like the biggest fish we had on that day!!! Made a mountain dew double glow e-chip with green five of diamonds tape, that went away hooked to a coho. Just wondering if it turns up.
  16. We stay outside of the pack !!! It was a slow two weeks for us. we took some nice fish just under what we needed to get on the board each day Friday the 4th we went 12 for 15 just out side. The biggest was a 32# . That front sure came in quick. Heard the rescue calls from the Canadians up in Quintie. and were wondering what that was about. Got back to Selkirk shores and the camper just as the wind started. Green dot e-chip with ultra greenglow or LOC atommic flies were the ticket .. Hope to get back up next weekend . This Hydro thearpy is just the ticket for my new knee!!!
  17. We do , we can some and freeze fillets with a foodsaver bag system. The canned comes out just like tunafish, makes great dips and sandwiches. We save the canned venison for sandwiches in the boat
  18. We remove all the dark meat and the laterial line. My fishing partner is clever at removing the pin bones that came off the ribs. At home I use an old ironing board. You can adjust the height.
  19. Good Luck to all!! Heading to Mex Bay for 2 weeks . See ya on the water
  20. The release should spin freely on the metal clip or cable, what ever type you have . It should be above the weight so the weight can do what ever it wants and the clip and the line to the lure stays stright.
  21. No Prob. were used to RAY Sounds like the west wind has the temp way down again
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