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Big Dave

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Everything posted by Big Dave

  1. Shine a UV flashlight around in your boat at night, You have been fishing UV alot longer than you know !! LOL
  2. Pick up a UV flashlite $6 at Lowes and shine it on your stuff. That will show the UV reactive lures. Other are UV reflective. The one flasher I have reflects light from the tablelamp in the family room 45' accross the celler . A chrome flasher won't . I feel it makes the lures more visable to the fish, gets their attention. The old black and glow& green Nk The green lights up more than the glow does with UV light. The same looking tape on a brandX spoon the green dosen't light up at all . Even though they look the same to out eyes.
  3. You should try a table at the LOSTA sale the end of the month .
  4. Happy New Year !!
  5. I Use bags , used to use 5 gal pails with a 4" hole in the middle. Trimming the motor up a little will slow you down too; Depends on waves , wind and currents I never troll below 2 mph and sometimes above 3 on lake Ontario and Cayuga .
  6. Merry Christmas, The days are getting longer !!
  7. Merry Christmas and a Fishey New Year !!
  8. That time of yeare again , the days will start getting longer. Half way through the winter !! Come on Spring !!
  9. Happy Thanksgiving !!
  10. Thanks Brian nice show !!
  11. Join ELOSTA !! They send out news letters and are working on the website
  12. Should be interesting !!
  13. Going up to Pulaski today on RT 81 North , I saw a cowl for a Merc 9.9 up by the wall in the middle . It was just before the exit for the airport. Thought someone might like to know !!
  14. I use Blacks. Above the ball , so the ball can track better. If you load a rod up with a release of the tail of the weight you maybe steering the weight This will cause crossed cables on a small boat fishing deep
  15. You or the fish do that custom bend on that spoon ??
  16. Atlantics can get much bigger than 20 #
  17. Fish Dr has vidios on how to tie the leaders and snell the hooks. fishdoctorcharters.com
  18. Schneider's , Dan Chicken shack accross from Mike's Marina and the road to Mex pt state launch
  19. Someone may be helping the Dec. by stocking their own Kings.
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